ch. 4

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september 17, 2012
(later that day)


"Mariana dear, Can you go take these pastel de natas to our new neighbors after you're done getting your boxes in the living room.I heard that there's a boy near your age next door.", mother said wiggling her eyebrows after saying the last sentence.

Mariana rolled her eyes and kept on placing boxes on the hardwood flooring she had helped pick out months before her new home's renovation.

If you haven't already noticed, Mariana and her family had just moved in to Viseu. They had to leave their home country, Spain, because Mariana's mother had gotten recruited to work for a high-income job in one of the biggest companies located in Portugal.

As she took her last box upstairs to her simple bedroom, a loud knock was heard coming from the front door. "I'll get it!", Mariana sprinted toward the door almost tripping on their recently-purchased carpet.

"Olá, you must be the new neighbors. My name is Carla and this is my son João", Carla shoved a boy that seemed around her age who was timidly standing in back of her.

And thats how our friendship began..


Author's note
kind of a small filler i recently started writing again and getting motivation 💪💪

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