Chapter 3

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After spending a night at an inn in the town, he now decided to go to the capital of this country. He spent up an hour queuing in line with other people at what appeared to be the terminal of the place, before finally taking a ride in a taxi to his destination. The vehicle looked like something out of science fiction, powered by an engine emitting a blue light from under the hood as it hovered smoothly over the ground.

'It's hovering due to magic, right?' He thought as he leaned on the leather seats at the back. 

"Hey, maybe it's going to take a while since traffic flow's been disturbed by bandits raiding the path," the driver said as he opened the front cabinet of the car and pulled out a pistol.

'Hey hey hey hey hey!' He thought nervously. 'They had guns here?!'

"Don't be afraid, it's for self defense," the driver reassured him. "Be prepared."

Yuri calmed down for a second, but he was still nervous about the driver. To relax, he looked out of the window, taking in the scenery. As he gazed outside, he was taken aback by the breathtaking landscape that appeared before him. It was like something out of a painting. Birds were flying overhead, farm animals eating the grass on the plains, children playing on the fields and at the sides of the roads, it was beautiful that it almost made him shed a tear.

But then, his thoughts turned to the darker aspects of this world. He thought about the bandits who constantly raided innocent travelers, the recent wars that had erupted decades ago, and the demonic invasion that had been stopped by the heroes of this land.

'Everything's not perfect,' he thought. 'But man, I guess it's common for death and destruction to plague everything here.'

He leaned back in his seat and sat firmly, allowing himself to get comfortable. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep as the taxi continued its journey towards the capital. The engine and the smooth motion of the vehicle provided a soothing atmosphere, and it wasn't long before he was asleep, his fears temporarily forgotten.


It had been an hour now, and Yuri was suddenly woken up by a loud bang outside the car. He looked at the driver, who was currently holding his pistol tucked under a piece of cloth.

"W-What's happening?!" Yuri questioned. "Was t-that a gunshot?!"

"Yeah, bandits," the driver said, firmly gripping the handle of the gun. "They're shooting at us."

"Where are we?!" Yuri asked.

"In a forest. We're going back in the open since it's too dangerous to be here," the driver replied, speeding up the vehicle.

Just as they were about to reach the exit, a car suddenly blocks the way out, trapping them inside.

"NO!" The driver exclaimed, stopping the vehicle in front of the car. "GET READY TO RUN!"

The driver opened the door to his side and exited the vehicle. Yuri followed soon after. 

Two men emerged from the vehicle in front of them and pulled out their handguns from their holsters at their waist. When they aimed their guns at the taxi, the driver began to shoot at them. The men immediately took cover behind their vehicle while firing back at the driver.

The two sides were now exchanging gunfire as one ran out of ammo and began to reload. 

'I hope he ran away quickly into the woods!' The driver thought, but he was immediately proven wrong when he saw Yuri running towards the bandits without a weapon.

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