Chapter 17

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"I am quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood. I had, vainly thought, that with the power of anime friendship and love, it might've been done."

- Maybe John Brown?

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Unknown Location, Dranhir Province

The silent night was interrupted by the echoes of footsteps from two children running barefooted on the leaf-covered path.  Behind them, people armed with pistols and swords, lit up the dim surroundings with their torches, searching for something--or someone. 

Suddenly, one of the children stumbled onto the ground, injuring herself. The other, which was a boy, quickly helped her up and they continued on the path, though on a slower pace.

To their relief, in the distance, a small wooden shed stood on the side of the road, dimly illuminated by the moonlight. They then hastily went towards the abandoned shelter, hoping that their pursuers wouldn't find them. 

Inside, the boy tended to the girl's sprained ankle, revealing her to be a beastkin wolf. She has long black hair, a pair of canine ears, and scars on her white skin, indicating that she was a slave. The boy also had similar features except for his hair, which was grey.

"I-It hurts..."

The boy calmed her down so that they wouldn't be found out. Peeking out of one of the wooden cracks in the walls, he saw their chasers in the short distance; weapons ready to punish. The boy alerted the girl, and they both hid in the most darkest part of the shed, hoping that they would just pass by.

A few moments later, both of them could now hear the chatter from their pursuers outside. The blinding light from their torches and lanterns pierces through the wooden cracks and windows of the structure, adding more tension to the already dire situation. 

And as if the world was toying with them, when they though that they were safe since they were about to pass by, a sudden shout from one of the chasers echoed through the duo's mind.

"Hey! Check that shed!"

"This one? Really? They wouldn't be stupid enough to hide in here."

"Just incase."

"Imagine if they're really inside this, heh."

They held their breath as the light from the outside intensified. The boy watched in silent dread as the girl clinged onto him tightly; her tears streaming down her face in desperation. With a heavy heart, he held her close, facing the inevitable--

"Uhm, excuse me!"


'Huh?' The boy thought as a call from the outside alerted the chasers, distracting them from the shed. 

"We're kind of lost, so could you help us--"

People? Lost? Merchants? These are the boy's thoughts during this whole ordeal. He peeked through one of the cracks in the wall and saw the person who called out: A man dressed in a hooded black robe accompanied by a similar individual with the same outfit. 

They conversed with their pursuers, asking some questions about where was the nearest town in the area--




Suddenly, he grabbed the individual by the neck and raised him in the air. The surrounding people then pulled out their weapons, ready to attack.

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