Chapter 10

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A Day Later...

Firestorm Guild

"What the fuck is this?" Yuri exclaimed as he looked at a poster showing Eliss's face on it. "Eliss, what the hell are you doing out there?"

"Well, I'm sure she'll obey my commands when we meet again," Yuri sighed. "She's just killing the ones she hates in literal broad daylight!"

"This'll turn into a bounty hunter action movie pretty soon," he muttered as soon as he thought about it. "But instead of guns and cool badass hollywood effects, it's magical guns and explosions and tons of anime fighting."

There was a brief pause of silence, apart from the background noise of constant chattering amongst the adventurers.

"I forgot what Eliss's goals were," said Yuri as he scratched his head. "Was she supposed to eliminate the organizations called Kripton and Noxious poison or something?"

"I'm gonna have to learn about the organizations of this world. Fortunately, there's a nearby library here, so I think I could get info from there."

"Do they even have info about those groups?" he wondered. "Maybe, or maybe not."

"I'll just try," Yuri said as he slowly walked out of the guild.



Yuri's currently sat on a table at the library, reading informational books about the market and trade given to him by the receptionist. He's read through half of it already, and he's ready to take on another book about it

"Aha! Here it is!" he exclaimed, gaining the attention of the receptionist.

"Shh!" the receptionist warned him.

"O-Oh, sorry," Yuri apologized before continuing reading the book.

'So this is it! The Church of Kretlin,'  he thought as he flipped the page, revealing more info about the organization.

[The Church of Kretlin was founded in 1799 by Robert Redflien as a religious organization. It describes itself to be the one and only true church who worships a true god, and according to them, all other churches are "fake," meaning that they've been worshipping the wrong god or they've been believing in an non-existent god their whole lives.

Officially recognized by the Emperor of Stardust, "Vilmar the lll" during the 12th day of Frie, 1801, as a religious corporation to the Kingdom of Stardust, the church had spread its influence to other countries in just a couple of years, having already multiple branches all over the continent built to increase their worshippers.

Redflien was upheld by the members as a hero during the Great Demonic Invasion in 1829. Having been gifted with advanced Light and Dark magic at an early age, he easily eliminated high-ranking demons who emerged from the portals that appeared all over the world. It was said that during one of his battles, the god Kretlin, the being the church's been worshipping, came down from the skies and told him to prepare for a greater threat in the future. It's unknown whether these rumors were true since there were no witnesses of the event, but major controversies were made after this rumor was spread throughout the organization.

By the time of his death (1868), the organization now had 1,200+ chapels and 23 cathedrals all over the world. His successor, James Gretvar, led a campaign to further expand the church until his death in 1872 due to complications from mana degeneration. His son, Edward Gretvar, became the successor of the church.]

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