Gracious House (part 1)

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-Gracious House-

"Gracious House?" Tanjiro couldn't help but ask, surprised. What kind of name is that anyway?

"Doesn't it look like a trap?" Zenitsu screamed, shuddering with an unpleasant premonition.

"Don't shout, you coward!" Inosuke shouted furiously, trying to hit the blond man on the head. However, Tanjiro prevented him.

"Well, well, don't quarrel..." the one who didn't really help tried to calm them down. As a result, Agatsuma began to hide behind Genya, who did not understand what was happening at all. Nezuko mumbled in confusion, moving away. She wanted to sleep.

"Gracious House..." Ubuyashiki frowned, slowly repeating this name. It seemed rather strange, but there were stranger things. Although his intuition insistently hinted that there was something much more behind it than it seemed at first glance.

"But why did it appear so suddenly?" Muichiro frowned, who didn't seem to have shown much interest before. However, he had been watching and listening intently all this time. No one has been able to answer this question to him. And when it seemed that there would be no answer at all, a voice suddenly sounded:

"That's the name of this scene. Everything that happens is divided into parts, and they are given a suitable name. And since you have understood everything, we will continue."

Exactly six o'clock. The morning in the house begins with the booming ringing of the clock, which is carried everywhere, announcing the arrival of another wonderful day. As soon as the clock struck, the children in the large dormitory began to stir and wake up. Some people did it very slowly, but there were also those who were blown up almost immediately. At the same time, they looked just fine, thanks to a good sleep.

"I wish I could wake up so energetic too..." Kuvajima sighed wearily, remembering the times of his youth. When he first joined the Demon Slayer Corps, he was a year older than Zenitsu. He still remembered that he had been awake for several days, while feeling very well. And now... It hurts, it hurts, the lower back aches... Old age, in a word. He would like to be as energetic at his age.

"Well, what do you want from children?" Urokodaki asked with a laugh, and because of his mask it was not visible, but he rolled his eyes.

"Eh, youth..." said Ubuyashiki dreamily, nodding in agreement. He was also quite energetic when he was a kid. What a pity that due to the deterioration of his health, he can no longer feel as good and free.

"Master, you are not old yet!" Rengoku instantly replied to him with a low bow.

"That's right, Master! Don't slander yourself!" Mitsuri supported him in agreement.

"That's right." the others confirmed in a mixed manner.

"Maybe I'm not that old, but my body..." Kagaya sighed, but did not continue. Everyone already knew what a deplorable state his body was in.

"Hey! Everyone wake up! Wake up!" a cheerful childish voice rang out, belonging to a girl who looked about ten or eleven years old. She had bright red hair, stunning green eyes and a gorgeous wide smile. It seemed that among the children she was one of the oldest, given that most were about five years old or even younger. "Breakfast is on the way!"It was this scream that woke up the remaining children, who, apparently, really wanted to get to their breakfast as soon as possible.

"Wow, how many children... How many are there in total?" Iguro gave out stunned. No, he had heard about orphanages, but there were no more than six or seven children there, because it was already too difficult to take care of them. However, he had already seen ten children. And something told him that this is not all who are here.

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