Gracious House (part 3)

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Evening was approaching, and the children were fussing, wanting to spend as much time with Connie as possible. While their mom was minding her own business, they played together and discussed a lot of other things. They knew that they would have to say goodbye soon, so they were sad. But on the other hand, they are already used to it. However, they were still upset that they would not see each other again, most likely.

Everyone was so immersed in the bustle that they did not notice at all what a sullen face Ray had. No, he didn't express more negative emotions than usual, but it became thoroughly empty. Completely, and only in the eyes was a strong bitterness and sadness visible.

"So, we have once again confirmed that Tomioka-san knew what was going on there." Shinobu says thoughtfully.

"And, apparently, something not very good is happening..." agrees Uzui, who still does not leave a bad feeling. It was like his inner premonition of something bad. Of course, this instinct did not always work, but if it worked, it meant that a complete collapse was waiting for them ahead. And now, apparently, there was just something like that. That's why he started talking about a farm where they grow food for demons.

Of course, he didn't even think that something like this was possible in principle. He just wanted to show the others by contrast that things might not be so bad. However, Zenitsu, whom he had scared and who had heard much more than the others, gradually began to come to exactly the same conclusion.

And, of course, he didn't particularly like it.

However, he was in no hurry to share his conclusions with anyone, praying desperately to himself that he was wrong.

"However, if he knows that something bad is going on there, then why didn't he tell anyone?" scared asked Mitsuri, who was very worried about the children. "Together they would surely be able to change this "bad"!"

"It's not always possible to do this." suddenly said Obanai, who seemed to have said something against his beloved for the first time. He was frowning very much, because based on his experience, he had already begun to see clues about what was happening. And, although he hadn't come to the right conclusion yet, he was slowly doing it. And the behavior and expression of Giyuu's face only helped him in this.

"Em... Uzui-san can't be right, right?" Senjuro asked fearfully, hugging his brother's hand.


"Well, I'm talking about the farm..." he speaks softly, unable to raise his eyes and look at someone directly. He knows that he is very soft and cowardly, but at the same time he is very perceptive and observant. And now... Oh, he doesn't like what he sees. "I understand that this is probably impossible, but still..."

"No, of course it's impossible!" growls Sanemi loudly, gripping the handle of the katana tightly. He just can't imagine that such a place could really exist. "No self-respecting demon slayers would allow something like this to exist!"

"And if..."Genya begins, and stammers. He is very uncomfortable when others look at him, and especially his older brother. Nevertheless, he finds the courage to continue. "What if we're talking about a place that demon slayers just can't get to?"

Immediately, a heavy and uncomfortable silence reigns, because no one wants to think that this could be true.

However, the first seeds of doubt and speculation have already been sown.

Ray calmly watches the bustling children, making sure that none of them will be able to understand exactly what he feels. The boy unhurriedly went to the room where all their drawings were hanging. However, he did not go inside, but stopped at the entrance. He knew their mom was in there. That's why he took a mirror out of his pocket and used it to look into the room. As expected, she stood in front of the drawings, performing the same ritual when the children left. Now she tore the sheet off the wall and pressed it to her chest with a gentle smile.

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