Gracious House (part 2)

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"I have never received a letter from any of the relatives who have left here." Gilda sighs with displeasure, crossing her arms over her chest. She frowns and remembers all those children who left, promising to write without fail. However, no matter how long she waited, there was no news. "I'm sure they just forgot about us and are enjoying life now."

"But isn't that weird?" Genya frowns. "If they promised to write, they should have sent at least one letter."

"However, there is not a single letter. Tanjiro nods in agreement. "I wonder how many children have already left?"

"Probably quite a lot..." Zenitsu shivers nervously. All these memories of children flashed by quite quickly, but he counted at least ten children of all ages. "But why don't the oldest ones look older than 12?"

"Maybe they start sending at some age, and at twelve they should all be sent?" Mitsuri frowns. For some reason, despite the fact that everything she has seen so far has caused mostly pleasant emotions (except gates and walls), she can't help but feel anxious.

"This is really too weird... the others nodded in agreement. They have seen very little of everything yet, but they already have a lot of questions.

"If Tomioka-san were here, we could ask him all this." Shinobu smiles softly, but her smile makes many people nervous. Kochou could be very intimidating when she wanted to.

"Hey!" the elder Shinazugawa growled angrily. "When will this asshole decide to stop hiding already?"

"I told you he would come to you when he was ready," the voice replied calmly.

"And when will such a bright event happen?" Tenge snorts. The voice doesn't answer.

"But... Tomioka-san is fine, right?" Tanjiro asks anxiously. Nezuko mumbles questioningly, fussing.

The voice is silent for a very long time and it seems that it will not answer at all. However, it only throws a short:

"Everything is relatively normal."

"Ah, I would like to be outside as soon as possible! I really want to try on a whole bunch of outfits!" Gilda says admiringly, who has long been tired of wearing a boring white uniform. No, it was beautiful and even comfortable, but if you wear the same thing every day, then, of course, it will get boring. Moreover, all their clothes, except shoes, were always white. Anna nods in agreement, because she also wanted to finally try on something else.

"I'm still very stressed by this fact." Aoi crosses her arms on her chest, frowning. "It feels like they specially made such a form for the children to see exactly what they were doing."




"Isn't that fucking scary?" Sanemi was blown away by such a proposal. He couldn't imagine why anyone would need something like that at all.

"And I'm still thinking about the fact that these children are being raised to feed demons like cattle." repeated Uzui. His gloomy words again made Agatsuma almost burst into tears from fear. Then even his wives could not stand it anymore, and gave him a slap on the back of the head.

"Hahaha" laughs Rengoku. Of course, he did not believe that such a place could exist. "If you're right, you can go to the fortune teller contest."

Meanwhile, Obanai was frowning. He remembered his childhood, the cramped cage and the hideous demon. And it seemed to him more and more that this place was still the same cage, only bigger in size. And, although he disliked Giyuu very much, now he wanted to talk to him to ask something. He wanted to either verify or refute his thoughts. But now, when he really wanted to see Tomioka, he wasn't there.

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