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Journal #21:

My good-for-nothing father thought it's a great idea to adopt Konstant legally.

Is he even thinking?

He thinks that Konstant's mom is incapable of looking after her daughter because of her condition.

But guess what, Senator Atkinson?

Her mom is a better parent that you could ever be!

This is so fucking irritating!

I can't think straight.

Oh and Ellis came back home today from his internship.

And confessed his love for Konstant.

I fucking knew it from the first time I saw him looking at her.

Should I let go of Konstant?

I know she feels the same way for Ellis.

Her happiness is what matters the most.

Never mind the fact that I would fucking die if I can't be with her.


Lollipop KingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon