{ f o u r t e e n } Operation: Exploritos

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Pls pls pls pls don't kill me for not updating in ten months I've been busy I swear *crawls under a rock*

also, VERY important question at the end of this chapter so PLEASE READ!!

anywho here u go ily


"Are you sure you told him about the right restaurant?" I whined.

I wasn't looking at him, but I'd bet my entire shoe collection that he was rolling his eyes.

"Positive." He replied sternly, "now just shut up and let me do my job. If this goes according to plan, I'll never have to hear your shrill voice ever again."

"I am not shrill!"

"We literally got here two minutes ago, now would you just shut up!" He said in a sharp whisper.

I decided to stop talking (what a miracle) and absorb the very questionable room that we were in. Steel pipes ran across the ceilings in all angles, metal plates appliances covered every edge of the kitchen, and the tiled floor—which I'm sure were once white—were now a faded gray. Occasional yells of Mexican orders were thrown around, and I'm pretty sure I saw a family of rats nesting in the corner.

Yep, living the high life.

"You couldn't have chosen a less disgusting place to fulfill our master plan?" I said, sarcasm dripping from my voice.

He rolled his eyes (knew it!), "This was the only restaurant that didn't kick me out when I told them that I wanted to serve a very suspicious Mexican delicacy." He explains, "it took me fifty dollars to bribe them and a promise that I would buy a burrito here every month."

I heaved a sigh and attempted to shift into a more comfortable position, but failed drastically. Now I was in an even more awkward stance. (As awkward as you can be when you were crouching down behind a very tiny stove, occasionally peeking to see if the two blondes had entered.)

"Were the uniforms really necessary, though?" I grumbled, holding out the striped polo shirt and red apron that had the logo 'BURRITACOS'.


Jason's eyes don't leave the concoction that's cooking in the oven in front of us. A few moments of silence passed, and I realize that I absolutely cannot keep my mouth shut for more than ten seconds.

"I have an idea!" I exclaim, earning a glare from Jason, who's eyes still don't leave the rising dough.

He shuts his eyes for a second and begins massaging his temple. "If you don't shu—"

I cut him off. "No wait this isn't a complaint, I swear." He puts his hands down and turns to face me. "Alright, what is it?"

"We can call this mission," I grin at myself for thinking of the genius that is this name.

"Operation Exploritos!" I exclaim excitedly, "It's wordplay, see? I combined burri—"

"Yeah, I got that." He cuts me off, his hands going back to massaging his temples. "I am so done with you."

"Hmph." I cross my arms. "As if you could think of a better name." I muttered, just as the oven rings.


It's extremely difficult to miss Chloe Collins anywhere you go. More so when she's wearing a bodycon dress that acts like a second skin and four inch heels to a small Mexican diner on the outskirts of town.

"You take me here on our third weeksary?" She exclaims through gritted teeth. "Honey, I'm a little overdressed."

The blonde that sports a black t-shirt and jeans chuckles. "Honey," he says through a clearly fake smile. "I meant it when I said that I was literally taking you to a small place outside of town."

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