{ s i x } Operation: Museum Break-In

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"Somebody please tell me why it's so important to look at ancient artifacts that don't even really affect our lives." Chloe whined as we moved to yet another fossil of an unknown specimen.

I shrugged and looked at the age-old fossils, which were now adorned in cobwebs and dust. Kent chirped up from beside her. "Don't worry babe," He slung his arm on her shoulder. "The tour's almost over, and I'm bringing you to your favorite restaurant after this."

I rolled my eyes as Chloe replied a sickening response, I couldn't take anymore of this madness. I looked over to Jason, who made a gag expression at me. We really needed to get to the bottom of this, fast. "Ease up on the PDA. I prefer to keep my lunch in my stomach." I chuckled at his comment, which earned me a glare from the world's greatest couple.

Note the sarcasm.

"And over here we have the remains of the Stegosaurus stenops, they are known to have unusual posture, mainly because of the..." The tour guide dawdled on and on about useless facts about the historical creature. I suppressed a sigh as I moved along with the tour group. I was bored out of my mind, the QBs were being extremely sickening, and to top it all of, I was stuck with the most obnoxious person on the face of the earth.

"You know, when they said exciting historical adventure, this definitely wasn't what I pictured." The devil spoke as he caught up with me, pacing slightly behind our best friends.

I grunted in response. What he had said was true; schools always had the habit of making boring events seem a million times more exciting.

If their definition of 'exciting' was looking at extinct creatures that crawled the earth a trillion years ago, then they were completely on point.

As we walked along, the fossils on the walls slowly blended into unreadable hieroglyphics, telling me that we had moved on to the Egyptian sector of the museum.

"Oh My God this part is so much better. At least they wore make-up." Chloe noted.

Well of course that's what she noticed.

We reached a room where various jewelry and treasures were displayed, the gold shimmered through the glass, the vast array of hand-crafted jewelry looked majestic, even if it was probably five centuries old.

You can only imagine the squeal that Chloe had to suppress when she walked into the room.

The tour guide droned on and on as we walked, and I had long since given up trying to pay attention. Instead, I resorted to trying to read the hieroglyphics that adorned the walls, trying to understand or decode the messages encrypted within them.

"You see that message?" Jason pointed to a wall on the far end of the room, the hieroglyphics on it formatted in one line, as if it were forming a message. "It's the last message of an Egyptian to his love, before his death sentence."

I looked at him in disbelief, with one eyebrow raised. "And since when did you know how to read hieroglyphics?" Seriously, he just seemed to surprise me more everyday.

He scoffed. "Since when did you ever know anything about me?"

I looked at him thoughtfully, wondering where that came from. He probably noticed, because the look on his face softened from his previous stoic expression. "My mom was an Egyptian fanatic. I learned from her." He quickly explained, and shrugged quickly.

Before I could question him further, I noticed a flash of silver in the corner of my eye, and turned my head quick enough to see a man—fully clothed in black—disappear behind a corner.

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