Chapter One

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The sterile white walls of the hospital room were closing in on Y/N as she lay on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. The sound of beeping monitors and hushed voices from outside her room was the only noise she could hear.

She tried to sit up, but the pain in her leg shot through her body, forcing her back down onto the bed with a gasp.

Her memories were a blur of screams and chaos, the only clear image she could recall was the blood seeping from her parent's wounds. Y/N could barely remember the ambulance ride to the hospital, the flashing lights and muffled voices of the paramedics a distant memory.

The only thing that seemed to matter was the pain in her leg, a constant reminder of the events that had led her to this hospital room. The doctors had already stitched up the wound from the knife, but the physical pain was only a fraction of the emotional torment that Y/N was feeling.

Her parents, the people who had loved her and cared for her, were now gone. Murdered in cold blood, and she had been powerless to stop it. The realization of her loss had hit her hard, and now she was left with nothing but a hole in her heart and a longing for her family. Closing her eyes, she drifted into an uncomfortable sleep.

Outside of her room stood a man, FBI agent Spencer Reid had just been assigned to investigate the murder of her parents. As Y/N lay in the hospital room, unaware of the investigation that was about to take place, Spencer was already interviewing doctors in the hope to find justice for Y/N and keep her safe from this free killer.

Y/N stirred as she slowly opened her eyes. Her surroundings slowly came into focus as she took in the sterile walls of the hospital room. She blinked a few times, trying to recall how she got there. Then it hit her like a ton of bricks. Her parents, they were gone. A gut-wrenching pain spread throughout her body as the memory hit her.

As she lay there, lost in her thoughts, a movement caught her eye. A man was sitting in a chair beside her bed. He was dressed in a suit and had a calm, yet observant demeanour. Their eyes met and she saw the man's face light up with recognition.

"Hey, you must be Y/N? I'm Dr Spencer Reid, FBI."

Y/N's heart sank as she realized that he was there because of her parent's murder. She tried to hold back the tears that had been threatening to spill over since she woke up, but they began to flow down her cheeks despite her efforts.

Dr Reid jumped from his chair, the concern etched across his features. "Please don't cry," he said gently, raising his hands to reassure her.

"I'm not here to interrogate you, Y/N," Dr Reid said gently as if he could sense her unease. "I'm here to protect you and help you in any way that I can."

Y/N nodded, unsure of what to say. It was hard for her to trust anyone at the moment, especially when she had just lost the people who meant the most to her. But there was something about Dr Reid that made her feel like she could trust him.

"We're working on finding out who did this to your parents," Dr Reid continued. "We have a team of agents investigating the crime scene and gathering evidence. We'll find the person responsible for this, and they'll be brought to justice."

Y/N felt a knot form in her stomach as she contemplated what her future held. She had lost both her parents in an instant, and now she had no idea where she was going to go or who was going to take care of her.

"Where will I be dumped?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Dr Reid's heart sank as he realized what she was asking. She thought she was going to be thrown into a care home like so many other children who had lost their parents. He knew that it was never an easy transition for anyone, especially someone as young as Y/N.

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