Chapter Four

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The night had taken a toll on Spencer. He couldn't shake off the weight of the recent events that had unfolded before his eyes. His mind was a jumbled mess, and he couldn't find any solace in the quiet of his room. As he tossed and turned, he couldn't help but replay the harrowing moments over and over again, reliving the fear and helplessness he had experienced. He knew that Y/N was hurting, and he couldn't bear the thought of her suffering alone. He needed to confide in someone he trusted, and without any hesitation, he reached for his phone and dialled Morgan's number.

When Morgan answered the phone, Spencer could tell that he had just been woken up. He sensed the grogginess in his tone, but he couldn't wait any longer to talk about what had happened. "Morgan, it's Spencer," he began, his voice trembling with emotion. "I need to talk to you. Y/N is hurting herself, and I couldn't stop her."

Morgan's response was immediate, "Spence, what's going on? Is everything okay?" His tone was now laced with concern.

As Spencer recounted the events of the night, his voice broke with each passing moment. He was overcome with guilt and the weight of the responsibility that came with being Y/N's guardian. "I tried to protect her, I promised her that I would keep her safe," he sobbed. "But I couldn't stop her from hurting herself."

Morgan listened intently, his heart heavy with the weight of the situation. As Spencer poured out his heart, Morgan felt the pain and anguish that he was experiencing. He knew that Spencer was feeling helpless and lost, but he also knew that he needed to be strong for him. "Spencer, I'm so sorry. I had no idea things had gotten this bad."

The sound of Morgan's voice was a small comfort to Spencer, but it wasn't enough to soothe the anxiety that had consumed him. "Please don't tell anyone else about this, Morgan," Spencer begged. "I don't want them to take her away from me. I promised her I wouldn't abandon her."

Morgan listened to Spencer's plea, his heart aching for him. He knew that Spencer was scared and vulnerable, and he wanted to help him in any way he could. "Spencer, they won't take her away from you. You're a good guardian. But Y/N needs help. She watched her parents be murdered not only a week ago, I'm surprised it took her this long to crack."

Spencer nodded, his eyes filling with tears. He knew that Morgan was right, but the thought of Y/N being taken away from him was too much to bear. "I know, Morgan. I just don't want to lose her. I promised I would not abandon her." he said, his voice cracking with emotion.

Morgan could hear the pain in Spencer's voice, and he knew that he needed to be there for him. "Spencer, I'm here for you. We'll get through this together. You're not alone."

With a heavy heart, Spencer ended the call and lay back on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He knew that Morgan was right, but the fear of losing Y/N was overwhelming.

Exhausted from the events of the night, Spencer lay in his bed, his mind racing with thoughts of Y/N's safety. Doubts crept into his mind, and he wondered if he was truly capable of keeping her safe. As he drifted in and out of consciousness, the weight of responsibility he felt as her guardian weighed heavily on him.

Despite his promise to himself, he couldn't shake the fear that he wasn't doing enough for Y/N. Maybe he should have intervened sooner, or maybe he should have done something differently to prevent her from hurting herself. The guilt and self-doubt that consumed him made it difficult to find any solace in the comfort of his bed.

As sleep finally overtook him, Spencer made one final promise to himself: that he would do whatever it takes to keep Y/N safe, even if it meant confronting his limitations and asking for help.

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