Chapter Three

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Y/N woke up abruptly, her heart pounding in her chest. Her eyes snapped open, wide and wild, as she took in her surroundings. It took her a moment to realize that she was in the bedroom Spencer cleaned out for her, safe and sound, but the memories of her parents' brutal murder flooded her mind with a force that felt like a physical blow.

In a daze, she stumbled out of bed and made her way to the bathroom, gripping onto anything she could to keep herself upright. Her hands shook as she fumbled with the lock, eventually managing to secure it shut. 

She stood in front of the sink, staring at herself in the mirror. Her face was pale, her eyes bloodshot and puffy from crying. She could barely recognize herself anymore. She looked like a ghost, like someone who had already died. 

 Y/N's chest heaved with sobs as she leaned on the sink, her fingers curling around the edge so tightly that her knuckles turned white. She felt a wave of anger and frustration wash over her, and without thinking, she lashed out. Her fist connected with the mirror, shattering it into a thousand tiny pieces. 

The sound was deafening, and it seemed to echo through the entire house. Y/N didn't care. She just wanted to feel something, anything that would dull the pain inside her. Blood dripped down her hand, mingling with the tears on her face. She barely felt the pain, barely registered the fact that she had cut herself. She just stared at the broken glass, feeling numb and empty inside. It was like she was already dead like nothing in the world could touch her anymore.

Suddenly, a loud banging noise echoed through the bathroom, jolting Y/N out of her trance. She heard Spencer's voice on the other side of the door, panicked and urgent.
"Y/N, open the door! Please, let me in!"

Y/N's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to make sense of what lay before her. Her arms were covered in deep crimson cuts, and the sight made her feel sick to her stomach. She couldn't bear to look at herself, couldn't bear the thought of anyone seeing her in this state.

"I can't," she whispered, her voice hoarse and barely audible. "I can't face him like this."

She heard Spencer's voice again, closer this time. "Y/N, I'm not going to leave you alone. Please, let me help you."

Y/N's voice is hoarse and her eyes are filled with tears as she yells at Spencer to leave her alone. She feels like she's suffocating in her pain and can't bear to have anyone around her. The only thing she can think of is the pain of losing her parents, and the thought of living without them for the rest of her life. She grips the shard of glass tighter, feeling the sting of the wound she has inflicted upon herself.

Spencer can hear the desperation and pain in Y/N's voice, and his heart breaks for her. He knows that he can't leave her alone in this state, and he tries to open the door again. "Y/N, please open the door," he pleads, his voice cracking with emotion.

But Y/N is lost in her thoughts, her mind consumed by the darkness of her grief. She ignores Spencer's pleas and clutches the glass to her skin, letting the blood flow freely. The pain of the wound is nothing compared to the agony in her heart, and she feels like she's drowning in her sorrow.

Spencer continues to knock on the door, his heart racing with fear for Y/N's safety. He knows that he needs to act quickly to save her from herself, and he starts to frantically look for something to break down the door.

The sound of Spencer's desperation echoes through the small apartment, but Y/N can't hear anything over the sound of her anguish. She's trapped in a world of darkness and pain, and she can't see a way out.

Time seems to stand still as Spencer's desperation mounts. He knows that he needs to get to Y/N before it's too late. His hands shake as he searches for something, anything, to break down the door.

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