Chapter Five

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The next few days served as a much-needed respite for both of them. They spent their time immersed in each other's company, relishing in the simple pleasures of life - sharing meals, discussing their favourite books, movies, and music, taking tranquil strolls in the park, and engaging in friendly board game battles. Their conversations were a source of comfort.

Their bliss was short-lived, however, as Spencer had to return to work on Y/N's case and find justice for her murdered parents. Y/N tried her best to hide the sadness that welled up in her eyes as he prepared to leave, not wanting to burden Spencer any further. His love and concern for her, nevertheless, were apparent.

"Are you sure you'll be okay here alone?" Spencer asked, concerned.

Y/N nodded to reassure him. "Don't worry, Spencer. I'll be fine." I've got some books to read and shows to watch. I'll keep myself occupied."

Spencer gave her a small smile, clearly not convinced. "Okay, well, if you need anything, you know you can call me, right?"

Y/N nodded again, this time with a small smile. "Yes, I understand. Spencer, thank you."

Spencer left with a final hug, leaving Y/N alone in his apartment. She felt a sense of loneliness and fear to creep into her heart as she wandered around the empty rooms. She reminded herself, that she could handle being alone.

As Spencer left, Y/N felt isolated as she wandered around the empty apartment. But she refused to be consumed by it. Her determination to remain strong for Spencer's sake was unwavering, and she reminded herself that she was capable of handling anything that came her way. She had books to read and shows to watch to keep herself entertained. She was never going to be a burden to Spencer, no matter how difficult things became.

Spencer's palms were slick with sweat as he pushed through the doors of the BAU office. His heart was pounding in his chest, and his mind was racing with the weight of the task ahead. The Y/N case had been haunting him for days, and he was on edge as he made his way to his desk.

Grabbing a thick stack of files, he strode towards the conference room, where Morgan was already waiting for him. They delved into the information, scouring every detail for the slightest lead. Hours slipped by as they pored over the evidence, their frustration mounting with every passing minute.

Finally, a tip came through. A man in his thirties, with a history of mental illness, was acting suspiciously in a nearby town. Spencer's heart raced with a mix of fear and excitement as they jumped into the car and sped towards their next lead.

Arriving at the man's apartment, Spencer's stomach churned with unease. The air was thick with the man's frantic energy as they knocked on the door. When the man answered, they could see the sweat pouring down his face, his eyes wild with fear and confusion.

As they searched the apartment, Spencer's eyes flicked to the bed, where he saw Y/N's clothes scattered amongst the mess. His stomach clenched with a sickening realization.

Spencer's heart was racing as he stared down the man before him. "Did you kill Y/N's parents?" he demanded, his voice shaking with barely contained fury.

The man's eyes widened in fear, and he shook his head frantically. "No, no, no. I didn't kill anyone," he stammered.

Spencer took a step closer, his eyes drilling into the man's, searching for any sign of deception. "Then why do you have her clothes?" he asked, gesturing to the bed where the garments were scattered.

The man's eyes flicked towards the bed, and he looked away, guilt etched across his features. "I didn't mean to take them," he muttered. "I was sick, you see, in a really bad place. I just saw them, and I couldn't help myself. I'm so sorry."

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