4. Shattered Hue

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"Damn it, Deku! Where the hell are you!?" Katsuki grumbled out loud as he irritatedly looked around the waiting area of the hospital. He just got back from the front desk after asking for Deku's mom's room number, only to find the nerd gone. I guess the nerd couldn't wait for long and went to find his mom's room on his own.

Katsuki couldn't really blame him. Auntie Inko had been the only relative that Deku had, and hearing that she's in a critical condition, his childhood friend's action is quite understandable. Sighing to himself, he was about to look for Deku when he heard a loud cry.

It startled him, and he quickly looked in the direction of the cry. Coincidentally, the sound came from the direction where Inko's room is, and it made him nervous. Without him knowing it, he found himself running in the same direction as Deku entered his mind.

Why did he get the image of Deku? He didn't know. But it made him feel dreadful and nervous for some reason.

As he gets closer to the voice, the more familiar it becomes. The more he listened to the voice, the more nervous he felt.

Turning a corner, he was frozen on his feet. What Katsuki saw broke his heart into a million pieces. Outside of his aunt Inko's hospital room, he saw Deku kneeling on the floor and crying his eyes out. Katsuki was confused at first as he walked towards the crying boy; that is when he peered at the window.

His heart dropped when he saw Inko on her hospital bed, covered by a white sheet. The heart monitor is not beeping. Realizing what had happened, he looked down at Deku and saw how in pain his childhood friend was. Not knowing why, he unconsciously hugged the greenette close. Not caring if he got wet by Deku's tears and snot.

His pride and annoyance simply vanished when he saw the pain in the green-haired boy's eyes. The expressions that he often saw in the greenette's eyes and face.

It's like the day he was diagnosed as quirkless. Like the time he first hurt him. Like the time he used his on Deku. Like the time he destroyed De-Izuku's Hero notebook.


Like the time he told him to take a swan dive off a rooftop.

The only difference is that Izuku's eyes showed a lot more pain and suffering than how he looked back then. His eyes lost the glow that he always showed when he saw All Might and other heroes in action. He lost the shine in his eyes when he saw another quirk. The same shine that had stuck in his eyes the moment he was accepted at U.A.

Katsuki didn't know how long it had been as he hugged Izuku. But it had been a long time, as he was snapped out of his daze as a hand landed on his shoulder. When he turned, he saw his mom, Mitsuki, looking at him and Izuku with a sad, teary smile on her face. Her hand then moved its way up to his face and wiped a tear that had been unconsciously leaking out of his eyes.

His eyes widen as he looks down at Izuku, who isn't sobbing anymore, but the occasional hiccup tells him that his friend is still crying, albeit silently.

Katsuki then felt a hand on his other shoulder. Looking up, he saw his dad, Masaru, giving him a sad smile. Tears were forming on the Bakugo patriarch, unwilling to fall in front of his son.

Unable to contain his guilt, pain, sadness, and sympathy for Izuku, Katsuki hugged Izuku closer as he sobbed as his parents embraced the two boys.

The Bakugos and Izuku continued to embrace each other, not caring if they were making a scene or not. Izuku is in pain, and they weren't going to let him face this alone.



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