7. Letter from me to you.

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Standing in front of the campus gates is a young man with fluffy white hair, wearing a black hooded jacket, denim pants, and a blank expression as he stared at the school building up ahead of him. This young man is carrying a duffle bag with him. We recognize this as Izuku Midoriya. It had been a few weeks since he teleported back to their apartment; so much had happened in those weeks.

For starters, he woke up in the living room and found an important file that appeared to be his quirk and a letter that had been from his mom. Apologizing for hiding his quirk and explaining how it works.


Opening his eyes, Izuku woke up to a familiar-looking ceiling. Sitting up, Izuku looked around and recognized that he was now in their apartment. Confused, he tried to remember how he got there in the first place. He remembered the feeling of his mind expanding, and an image of their apartment entered his mind. Feeling a pulling sensation, he was covered in a flash of green light and felt his body being turned.

His eyes blinked as he just realized that he had just teleported from U.A. to their apartment. In his shock, his arms moved to his side, and that's when he felt a piece of paper. Looking at his hand, he saw what looked to be a document, and next to it was a journal.

Picking up the paper, he read its contents and widen his eyes.


Name: Izuku Midoriya

Age: 4 years old

Quirk: [Esper]

Type: [Mental/Mutation/minor Enhancer]

Description: [the user has all forms of mind-based power, from Telepathy, to even Mind Transfer. The user also has telekinesis. All these abilities are enhanced due to the awakening of the quirk. The mutation is that the user's hair becomes white and their eyes glow. The user can also enhance their strength, speed, durability, and visual perception using these telekinetic powers]

Drawback: [The user will suffer migraines and also some blood loss from overuse].

Note: {this quirk can only awaken from intense negative emotions, such as grief, anger, sadness, etc., on such a scale that it could destroy the surroundings}


Shaking in confusion, Izuku dropped the paper. He had a quirk all along? He had always had a quirk. All these years of desperation, despair, and hopelessness are for something he always had. He could feel all the anger in his heart return as the bookshelf and figurines in the living room began shaking.

'Does mom know about this? Did she know it all along? If she does, why would she hide it from me?' Those thoughts entered his mind as his eyes and hands began glowing green again.

His anger suddenly dropped as his eyes caught the journal floating around. Blinking his anger away, he took the journal and flipped over the pages.

His eyes furrowed when all he could see were food recipes. He was about to rip the journal in shreds when he reached the middle of the journal. It was a letter dated a week before she was going for her heart operation.


Dear Izuku,

When you are reading this, then I'm pretty sure I didn't survive the operation or died after some complications. There are so many things that I've hidden from you. The first is your quirk. Yes, Izuku. You're never quirkless. You have a quirk all this time. It's called Esper, a stronger version of my quirk. The reason I didn't tell you about this is because, in order to unlock your quirk, you have to feel a lot of negative emotions.

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