16. The Watching wolf

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There had been incessant low frequency radio chatter the past few days of an unknown origin outside my compounds walls. Local in nature, there were people in my territory, going behind my back for their own gain.

Then these kids show up, feigning innocence. They said they had been on a supply run, but then ended up off the highway in my city.

I had sent a team over to the highway just recently to see about this horde that were migrating  south.

The others in my city had used code words over the radio, attempting to keep their plans secret from me. As we listened to them communicate, we learnt about their squad's division, and code word prize being with the smaller team. The smaller team were unreachable via radio, and were essentially making their way to the evacuation point.

It seemed, The bigger team had reached the evacuation point successfully, and were waiting for backup, to search for the smaller team.

These kids had something important with them, they knew something. I wouldn't give them up so easy. Especially when Morrison, the leader in DC, wanted them so badly.

If I contacted DC and asked for the validation of these individuals, the compound would know they are here, and would come for them.

But if I kept them here, DC would figure out where they had gone anyway, I can't let them have this. It is just a matter of time before they are pounding at my door. So before then I have to get my information, and dispose of the evidence.

I contacted my man in DC, his double agent status passing me whispers for years. He confirmed the status of all three individuals being citizens, but

"sir, Brooke Harrison and William McConell are both certified citizens, Allison Harrison was too, but she is here, living , and i saw her this morning" he had said. At the time that had shocked me, how did they think they could have gotten away with that. They obviously didn't realise how powerful I was, they didn't realise my connections.

Why had they lied about the identity of the girl, Why was she so special.

A forensic team had recovered the body and were currently running a number of tests.

These kids will expect to be rescued in maximum two days. The DC team searching the city will only hesitate so long before searching my compound.

I need answers. 

These kids will give them to me.



"Little girl," a voice said

"Hey" the voice said again, patting me lightly on the cheek.

I opened my eyes against at bright light, seeing two figures above me.

"Good sweetie, wake up for me."

The two figures slowly came into focus.

One was a young girl, about 15 maybe with nice olive skin. The other was an old man, the same olive skin but with worry etched into his face.

I blinked my eyes slowly. I was laying on a bed, in a brightly lit small room.

The man whispered something to the girl in another language, his voice sounded frustrated. She replied quickly in the foreign tongue, an angry tone to her own voice.

"Hi there, how are you feeling?" she asked in english,

"Is she up?" a woman's voice called out, followed by the sound of footsteps approaching.

The man angrily spoke again, suspicion in his voice as he regarded me.

"Dad," the approaching woman called "you're getting far too suspicious in your old age, she's just a kid." She said,"Go back out with the others, we'll manage this"

He slowly backed out of the room, giving me one more look of suspicion.

"Who are you, and where are we" I asked, feeling a croak in my voice.

" My names Vanessa, and this is my sister Jess" the older one spoke. "This is our home, not in a compound, but a community built, democratic based environment" she said

I felt my heart quicken

"So we aren't in a compound. Are you Cannibals then?" I said, half Joking, half not. Dad had always taught us to be careful of any person we met no matter where they were from. They wouldve eaten me already if that had been the case.

"Democratic Cannibals yes," jess the younger girl laughed,

" Not Cannibals, just free thinkers" Vanessa stated.

I considered her response slowly, still distrusting.

"We live out here because we don't believe in the new human society. It's twisted and evil, worse than what's going on out here with the zombies. Here we know our enemies, in there you're locked in with them. The councils archaic methods have destroyed any semblance of morality. " Vanessa spoke passionately,

"Is anyone truly good anymore?" she asked.

"Well, excuse my sister. Who are you, and what is a kid like you doing alone, out here all by yourself?" Jess asked.

I felt my heart beat faster, what could I say, what is something that they would believe? Could I be honest, Could that hurt me?

My family were in a car accident. I ran away. I was kidnapped. My compound was over run. These thoughts zoomed through my head, none of them sounding too believable.

"My name is Lily and until recently my family and I were on the run from compound enforcements. I'm the only one that got away." I said plainly

They seemed shocked
"far-fetched but I believe it" said jess. The two sisters shared a look.

"We need to go discuss this with the others. You will need to tell us more though."

"I'm no use or harm to others, I swear. But I don't really want to share too much, for my own sake" I said, fearing that they'll push me out or worse hand me over to a compound.

"It's just a talk, we'll be back in a while" they said, turning to leave and close the door behind them.

I got off the bed slowly, making my way over to the only window in the cramped room. The second floor window overlooked a nice looking suburban street. At the end of the street stood a brick wall, which looked to encircle the entire block.

By the looks of it, a lot of people were dissatisfied with the council's way of ruling.

People walked plainly in the streets, enjoying the open air whilst tending to gardens and wildlife. This picturesque atmosphere was what I imagined a home to look like.

I tried lifting the window, but it wouldn't budge.

I guess I will sit and await the outcome.

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