20. Predestined

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The public plaza was empty of the usual hubbub , the presence of council soldiers warding off any festivities or trade. Trevor's compound was a site of subterfuge and ill intent, the place made me suspicious, I after all had never liked Trevor.

"Hendricks, go door knocking with Daniels and Collins. Ask about Trevor, anything strange, anything odd to report within the last few days." The group nodded their acceptance, starting off down the lane.

A small force of Trevor's men had greeted us upon our landing, and explained ' Trevor was on his way'. The group watched my men depart, eyeing them with suspicion. The military presence here seemed to strongly support Trevor, or hold the council in low regard. Hopefully the citizens still had faith in the council, with loyalty to the board and not Trevor.

"Where are your men headed? And why?" a soldier called down from the rafters.

"They are on council duty, those men can do anything I tell them. " I called, that shut him up. I lent against the water fountain, the sound of dribbling water disrupting the eerie silence of the piazza.

I was about to send men searching for Trevor when he appeared at the top of the courtyard. He walked slowly, his gait suggesting a calm composure despite the obvious sweat beading on his brow.

"Trevor, finally, it's unlike you to keep anyone waiting. I thought punctuality was your middle name" I said. The man forced a brittle smile, the tension revealing itself in his face.

"If I had known you were in such a hurry I would've asked Jim to sew his own bloodied arm back together. If I'd had known you were coming I would have set up afternoon tea"

"Aren't you an angel. Tell me, how did this Jim lose an arm? And even then I am surprised that you didn't know I would be stopping by. As I'm sure you know, I've been in the city for a few days now. "

Trever stood still, carefully still.

"Terrible scouting incident I'm afraid" he lied through his teeth, "falling bookshelf and a horde of the dead. "

"Aren't you a great leader to personally attend to the victims of a common supply run." I said

"My men have seen you around." he changed the subject, " I know council business when I see it Morrison, I was simply giving you your privacy. " he said.
I barely contained a scoff, "You're much too curious, much too rebellious. I know you Trevor, we literally spent years together after the outbreak. I know your mettle. "

I detected a slight twitch in his facial muscles.

"The council may underestimate you, but I do not" I said, remembering the early days. Trevor's group of survivors were a band of cut throats, looters and borderline cannibals. I spent a single month under Trevor's dictatorship as I made my way across country. For years we coexisted, a mutual peace that was borderline friendly. I hadn't necessarily agreed with his ways, but as humans in the early days, there was a bond. I still don't know how he has maintained his leadership role considering his opposing views of the councils.

Collins's voice crackled over my personal intercom


"Yes Collins"
"Citizens reporting a male and female, both approximately 20 years of age, arrived the day before yesterday. Matching appearance of Charlie and Ashlyn "

"Alright" I turned back to Trevor, frustration clear on my face. What was he doing?

"One more thing sir," radioed Collins, "both suspects were forcibly removed this morning and haven't been seen since."

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