17. An inevitable doubt

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"Okay you two, this here will be where you sleep for the next couple of days" said heather, indicating to the small dilapidated room. The bare room looked more than a little glum, the dank space bathed in shadows.

"I know it might not look like much, but after the rains last month, it is one of the only ones we have left. "

We had left the safety of the hospital wing and emerged into the rest of the concrete compound. The hallways were a maze of twisting fluorescent lit paths, I lost track long before we exited out into the open. The building opened up into a small cluster of other buildings, a multi story concrete wall bordered the small city, keeping us in, and the zombies out. Heather led us along a path, down a series of stairs and into the central courtyard.

There were so many people walking about, going about their daily business. More people than I had seen in half a decade, people that I didn't know, had never known. I wanted to retreat back into the hospital, feeling a wave of social anxiety overcome me. The people sent curious gazes our way, watching intently. The anxiety twisted my stomach. I let my head fall, my gaze intently watching the broken path beneath me.

Will had felt me pause, and had looked at me expectantly. He must have seen my terror, having then linked his hand through mine.

Heather led the way through the streets, her droning voice pointing out things and places that I probably should have paid attention to. My gaze was firmly rooted to the floor, as I focused solely on not being sick. Heather indicated our arrival at our destination, and I let my eyes slowly lift.

"It should be alright for the next few days at least" she had said, leading us up through the door, into the small apartment.

"It is more than we could have asked for, Thank you." said will. There were two beds, and a bathroom, cramped, but it had the things we needed.

"We passed the cafeteria on the way through if you remember. But first I'll assign you sectors to work in." we nodded solemnly.

"Brooke will be out in the fields, and Will, you'll be in the kitchens."

"Can't we be in the same sector?" Will interrupted

"I don't make these decisions, but from what I know we're pretty full up at the moment."

Will and I shared a look. I know I didn't feel comfortable being on my own, and seemingly he didn't want to leave me either.

"The things we found in the wreckage are over by the wall. Not including guns or any other weapons. If you both follow me I'll take you to your sectors". I spared a glance at the bags, seeing nothing familiar.

We followed her away from the cramped room, and headed towards some greenery in the distance. The fields bordered the living areas, and were located next to the outer wall. From out here in the open space, the sky scrapers outside the compound were dominating, their blank windows overlooking us.

A group of people were bent over in the dirt, their hands covered with mud as they worked the soil beneath them. They looked up as we approached, and I could almost feel their eyes burn into me.

"Murray will take care of you Brooke, and he'll show you around"

We approached a man , who was bent over in the dirt. The man squatted on the ground, but watched us approach. He used a cane to lift himself to his feet,  took his sun hat off, revealing his old face.

"Welcome, my name is Murray. I'm the boss out here on the farms. This isn't the cleanest job, and it certainly isn't the easiest but it beats working inside. "

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