Chapter 2 (Wherein death is very confused)

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A/N: Not my story! Original avalible on ao3


"Hello again, Mr. Dis," Harry said as Death led him by the hand into the Kings Cross waiting room. After Harry's first visit, Death decided to never use Kings Cross again until Harry returned. It would be their place. He was seething that he was having to use it again just over a year and a half later.

Death stopped by their same bench from before and his jaw dropped open in shock. "You remember me?" he asked as he crouched down and looked into the eyes of the much too thin 3-year-old.

"Of course. You're my fwend," Harry smiled broadly. "You're my only fwend," he added even more quietly.

If Death was allowed to murder, he would have killed Harry's entire family at that moment. He had never desired his very nature to be changed so that he could kill before, but right now, he finally understood why someone would wish to end another's existence. They had starved their nephew to death, and he just said that Death was his only friend. He didn't know why this child inspired him to break every single rule he had, but he snapped his fingers and a table, chairs, and a large feast appeared before them. "When was the last time you ate Harry?" Death asked with a deep sigh.

"Erm..." Harry thought and then just shrugged his shoulders. "Can't 'member."

Death led him to the table. "Please eat whatever you would like, as much as you would like."

Harry's green eyes got huge in shock as he scrambled up on a chair. He looked back questioningly at Death like he was waiting to be told it was just a cruel joke, but Death just nodded for him to go ahead and eat. Harry filled his plate but ate much less than Death would have liked. His stomach just couldn't support the food even if Death was surreptitiously healing him enough for the child not to become nauseous. "How have you been, Mr. Dis?" Harry asked as he pushed food around his plate, not being able to eat another bite. "Do you have fwends you play with?"

Death didn't think this child could shock him any more than he already had, but he just asked about how he had been and if he had any friends after he had just died himself. What was wrong with this child? "I've been well, Harry," Death smiled. He was happy to see that Harry made himself take another bite of mashed potatoes. "You are my only friend though as well. I've missed you, but I was still hoping it would be much longer before I saw you again."

Harry seemed to think for a bit. Death knew that the child couldn't understand what was happening. "It's because I died again, right?" Harry asked, a serious expression on his young face. "You wanted me to live longer? You told me to not come back 'til I was 150."

And, once again, Death's jaw dropped. How did a 3-year-old understand that he had died and passed into the next realm twice? How did he understand that his Mr. Dis was really and truly Death? "Yes, Harry," Death said quietly, trying to shake himself out of his shock. "I'm surprised you remembered."

Harry smiled proudly. "I have a rweally good memory."

"Yes, you do," Death smiled at him and nodded. "I do believe you will not remember me this time though. I don't know why you did before, but it's just not the way things are. You'll forget as soon as I take you back."

"You're taking me back?" Harry asked, shocked and a little saddened. There was so much food here, and he had a friend. Even if he was dead, this was so much better than his aunt and uncle's house.

Death had subconsciously made the decision and shocked himself when he told Harry. "Yes," he said. "I want you to live though, so if you remember anything, remember to take care of yourself. You can make things happen around you, like magic. If you think about what you want hard enough, you can make it happen. Use this to get food. Steal it from your relatives, whatever you need to do to get food, do it. Ok?"

Harry nodded slowly. "Kay, if I have to. I'll miss you, Mr. Dis," Harry said, taking Death's hand as they headed back to the mortal world again.

"I'll miss you too, Harry," Death said, patting the messy black hair. "Please don't see me for a very long time though."


It was not a very long time before Death was visiting with Harry again. It was only four years later.

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