Chapter 5 (Wherein Death begins to dislike adult humans)

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A/N: Not my story! Original avalible on ao3


Death was not happy. No, he was completely livid! Hogwarts was supposed to be safe for his young friend, but the abomination showed up and took up residence in the castle. He visited his friend frequently over the year, showing up in a dark cloud on Harry's bed and casting a silencing spell on the curtains so they could talk and play cards or wizard's chess well into the night. He seethed every time Harry explained another of his near misses with the abomination. Death was also not happy that the residue from the soul piece was causing Harry pain in his scar. He couldn't help him though as long as the abomination was still tied to the land of the living.

And then, Harry died, again. The confrontation with Quirrelmort over the Philosopher's Stone drained Harry's magic too much, and Death found himself once again leading his young friend into his Kings Cross Station waiting room. "I'm staying with you this time, right?" Harry asked, almost hopefully.

"No, you idiot boy!" Death exclaimed irritatedly, reminding Harry very much of his Professor Snape. "It serves you right to have to go back. Think of it as punishment if you will for being an idiot and going after a dark wizard all on your own!"

"Ron and Hermione were with me," Harry said under his breath as he shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Doesn't count!" Death yelled in exasperation. "I know you don't trust adults, and for good reason, but just tell one of them and let them handle it next time! If the world burns around you, then let it! It's not your problem."

"We tried to tell McGonagall," Harry almost whined. "She didn't believe us though!"

Death pinched the bridge of his nose and sat on their normal bench. It was ridiculous that they had a normal bench in the afterlife. "As soon as that old lady dies, I'm giving her an earful," he said under his breath.

Harry snorted. "You really shouldn't be calling anyone old, Dis."

"Not. The. Point." Death snarled. "Up!"

"Hey, there's a Cerberus in a hallway guarding a trapdoor on the third floor," Harry quickly remembered as Death pulled him to his feet. "I'm not sure if it's a myth or not, but I thought you'd like to know. He goes by Fluffy."

Death stared at him anger steadily increasing once again. "Someone put one of my dogs in a tiny hallway and made them guard something!! My beautiful, noble creature, is a guard dog?!"

"It didn't seem super humane to me," Harry nodded. "The room was pretty small."

Death sighed and almost shoved Harry back to the mortal world, muttering curses under his breath the whole way. When did he start not even questioning his decision to return Harry, he wondered at some point later, but not until Harry was safely recovering in a bed in the infirmary. That very night, Fluffy also went missing, to the confusion and worry of everyone who knew of his existence.

The only bright spot (well to Death anyway) in the entire situation is that one Quirinus Quirrell was now in Death's domain for him to do with as he would. Yes, that was a definite bright spot in Death's opinion.

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