Chapter 6 (Death learns about incompetency)

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A/N: Not my story! Original avalible on ao3


Death was stressed out in Harry's entire second year because of course there was a basilisk loose in the castle. Harry just couldn't have a safe and uneventful year. Death just knew he would be coming for all of the children, or at least Harry, knowing his luck. They were playing poker with chocolate frog cards as the chips in Harry's four-poster bed one-night part-way through the year. "Why can I speak to snakes?" Harry asked as he considered his hand. "You got rid of that piece of Voldemort in me back when we first met."

"You remember that?!" Death almost shrieked, glad he always put up a silencing spell. He could count on one hand how many times he'd been surprised in his entire existence up until he'd met Harry. Since then, it seemed almost constantly there was something new that surprised Death and seemed to go against everything he believed to be true in the world.

"Yeah, must be some weird thing about the waiting room, but I always remember what happens there, even though the rest of my early childhood is fuzzy," Harry shrugged, not concerned at all. That was just how his life was; it's not like he knew any differently.

Death took a couple of deep, steadying breaths. "Yes, I got rid of the piece of that abomination, but there will always be some residue left behind though since it was embedded in your soul, even though it was only a short time. There is a link between you, that's what caused your scar to hurt last year, and you will always be able to talk to snakes."

"Are there any other surprises I should prepare myself for?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Who knows?!" Death snorted, feeling completely out of his depth. He may be an immortal being that had existed since the beginning of time, but he felt like a child still learning where Harry was concerned. "You are one of a kind, my love." Death's eyes widened as he realized what he just said.

Harry looked at his friend and slowly placed his cards on the bed. He took in Death's shock, his confusion, and, most importantly, his fear. "I love you too, Dis," he said with a smile to calm his friend.

Death breathed out a sigh of relief. He cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Right, now that we got that established. I should go," he said putting the cards up and taking a couple of the chocolate frogs, Harry had gotten him hooked on chocolate. It had only taken millennia and one persistent child, but he was addicted now. "Remember..."

"Yeah, yeah," Harry said interrupting him. "150 and 30 grandkids. I got it."

For once, Death wasn't coming for Harry. He blessed that Phoenix and promised to send him an entire busload of treats. It had been very close, but Harry wouldn't be seeing Kings Cross that day. Death was amazed though when Harry looked over at him and gave him a weak smile and wave when Death grabbed the piece of the abomination's soul to take to the other side. Harry shouldn't have been able to see him when he was performing his normal duties, but when had Harry ever been normal? As the only person ever to cross into the afterlife and return, it must have left some mark on him and his connection to Death. Death pushed the thought aside though, promising to analyze it later. He smiled at his friend and wave back before violently yanking the shrieking soul-piece into the afterlife.

A few days later, Harry called him to his bed in Gryffindor Tower, it was right before his favorite would be heading back to those horrible people. "I bet you're glad you weren't there for me this time!" Harry exclaimed, hugging Death.

It bothered Death consistently that Harry didn't say that he was glad Death hadn't been there for him. "I am, love," Death sighed, leaving it for now. The subject came up often and both of them were too stubborn to convince the other of their point of view.

"And...I suppose you didn't have anything to do with an enormous bag of Phoenix treats showing up at the head table this morning?" Harry asked with an amused twinkle in his eye. "Fawkes looked like he was in heaven and Dumbledore was already talking about putting him on a diet."

"Fawkes earned those treats, and he should be allowed to do what he wants with them," Death sniffed indignantly. "Though that owner of his could do well to learn to care for his students more."

"Dumbledore didn't open the Chamber of Secrets," Harry protested with a frown.

"No, but he could have hired competent staff and closed the school when the danger became real. I was expecting to take away a student's soul all year. And, this is the second time a professor has tried to seriously harm you! I will have words with that old man when he dies," Death seethed with a snarl.

"It sounds like you are planning to 'have words' with all the adults in my life once they kick the bucket," Harry laughed, though he was a bit concerned about what Death's version of 'words' really meant.

"And...?" Death just said with a challenging raise of his eyebrow. "That Snape person is also on my list," he continued to grumble about bullies of professors.

Harry laughed and pulled his chess board out from under the bed. "I'm sure you want to be black as always," he said, and Death just nodded and settled in for the game. Harry was still terrible at chess, no matter how much they played. "How's Fluffy by the way? I haven't asked in a while. Still settling in?"

"Turns out he likes the name Fluffy," Death grumbled with a grimace. "I tried to change it, but he protested...vehemently. He's having a good time though. He has much more room to run now. He and a grim of mine have become fast friends and keep causing mischief. Fate loves them, but my imps are all stressed out since the two of them like to sneak up behind them and bark."

"Good," Harry said with a smile as he moved a pawn forward. "I hated seeing him stuck in that small corridor. He deserves a friend."

Original A/N:

Dont worry, Fluffy isn't dead...well, does it matter if he's in the afterlife anyway? Regardless, he's happy.

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