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"I mean it!" Summer repeats as her and Ellie stand in front of James and I.

"Summer, if your hot friends want us, who are we to deny them what they want?" I smirk at the redhead who's face instantly turns angry.

"I will make sure you're never able to play hockey again," Summer narrows her eyes at me.

Okay yes, Summer can be a bit intimidating but without Trevor here she's a bit less scary.

"She'll do it, Evans," Alex says from the other side of the table.

I look over at him. We all know about the verbal beating he got from Summer a few months ago when he cheated on Ellie. But Summer can't control me, no one controls me.

I lean forward, my arms crossed on the table, "Summer, I'll try my hardest but I won't make any promises."

Summer rolls her eyes, "Fine." She turns to look at Ellie, "I need a drink."

Ellie nods and takes her hand, leaving just us boys at the table.

"Okay but seriously," Alex starts, making James and I both look over at him. "At least be honest if you decide to get with any of their friends."

"Rule number one, always be honest about your intentions," I wink at him.

Alex just shakes his head.

Summer and Ellie both do that excited girl scream that makes us all look over at them then the door where there's five girls walking over to the two we came with. The one with short hair looks kinda of familiar.

"Shit," I mumble to myself realizing who it is when I hear her laugh at something Ellie says. Luckily none of the boys hear me, I think. I bet James is already busy deciding which girl he thinks is the hottest and Alex is definitely drooling over Ellie because he always is.

She's gonna kill me as soon as she sees me.

Makenzie May James.

It's been four years since the last time we saw each other. And it did not end well, at all.

And of course she's just gotten hotter since then. She's cut her brown hair, it used to be all the way down to her ass, but now it's cut to her shoulders. My eyes drop lower on her body, and from here it looks like her boobs have also grown since high school, wait is that a thing? Do boobs keep growing, like forever? I don't know, but I do know she looks hot and that's it.

Wait what the hell is she even doing here? And how does she know Summer?

"So," James leans over, putting his arm around my shoulders, his hand patting my shoulder, "Which one do you want?"

"Green shirt," I answer because he's not allowed to touch her.

"Not the blonde?" He questions.

He's got a point, I normally go for blondes.

"She's gay," Alex answers.

"Really?" James and I both look over at Alex as he nods and takes a sip of his beer. 



"Bathroom?" Alana wraps her arms around me from where she's standing behind me. Us girls are dancing and singing our hearts out on the makeshift dance floor of the bar while the boys hang out in the booth.

I put my hands on her arms leaning back into her so she can hear me, "And then a new drink?"

Alana nods, "Let's go."

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