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"Bye, thanks again for the ride," I smile as Sam and I hug on the curb of LAX.

I'm flying home to Arizona for a couple weeks to visit my family. Mom's got a big showcase this next week she wants us all to go to so, of course like the good daughter I am, I'm going. I miss my sister, I miss her so so much. I need a sister chat asap. And I want to see my dog, I can't to squeeze that big blonde fluff ball.

"Of course!" Sam smiles as we step apart, "Text when you get there?"

"Will do, get home safe," I reach for the handle of my bag.

Sam turns to get back in her car and I head inside the airport.


"Look who it is!"

I freeze recognizing the voice. I don't want to lift my head from my phone.

"Tell me this is a just a nightmare," I slowly look up right as Logan sits in the seat next to me.

"A nightmare? That's a bit much, if anything I'm a wet dream," he smirks.

Gag. Is he for real?

"What do I have to say to get you to go away?" I ask leaning away from him.

"I think you're stuck with me for the next few hours," he looks over at the gate.

Of fucking course.

"Can you leave me alone for that long?"

"Probably not," he shrugs. Everything he says comes out so flirty, it's annoying because even thought it's annoying as hell it's easy to fall for. Shit I already fell for it once. It's exactly how he got me in high school, his stupid, sweet tone. But I was younger and a lot more naive back then.

"Well, at least try," I say turning back to my phone.

This is gonna be a long flight.

Logan's quiet for all of two minutes.

"Look at this video," he tries to show me his phone.

"No." I don't look up from my own phone.

"C'mon Kenzie, can't we move on?"

Move on?

I turn to look at him, "Are you actually stupid?"

I sit up straight, trying to make myself feel bigger, "Sorry I don't want to be besties with someone who hurt me so bad. There's no moving on from what you did, Logan."

"But I've said sorry."

"Saying it isn't enough."

"Oh my god," he groans.

"This is what I'm talking about! You don't actually feel sorry!" If I didn't know better I'd hit him right here right now, because he fucking deserves it.

I lean over and pick up my backpack from the floor.

"Please leave me alone. Forever." I look down at him when I stand up.

I walk away and find a spot on the floor as far away from him as possible but still at the gate I need to be at.



You're kidding.

I sigh a bit louder then I mean to when I get to my seat on the plane because there's Kenzie sitting in the window seat.

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