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Ow, my neck hurts. I try to roll over but there's something heavy on my back. I slowly open my eyes to realize I'm still on top of my covers....

I look over my shoulder and there's Logan fast asleep using my back as a pillow. Forgot he was here.

I'm laying basically on the edge of my bed, pillow tucked under my head while Logan's using my back and a pillow to sleep diagonally on my bed.

I turn to reach for my phone on the bed side table but before I can even attempt to reach for my phone there's a loud knock on my door.

"Kenz! Brunch in thirty! We have some chatting to do!" It's Sam.

I go to answer but my mouth is so fucking dry, shit.

Sam knocks again, "Kenz?"

"I'm up!" I should back. And a second later I hear her going back downstairs.

"Logan," I reach back and poke him, "Logan get up."

I try again to get him off me, he doesn't wake up but he does slide off me, taking the pillow with him. I slowly get off the bed and look at him. He's still laying diagonally across the bed but his legs hang off the bed. With his eyes still closed he reaches for another one of the pillows and cuddles them both under his head.

I roll my eyes at him but start getting ready after I chug the rest of my water bottle and his, I'll grab another one for him.

I head into my closet to switch out the t-shirt and sweats I'm wearing for a pair of navy bike shorts and a big gray UCLA dance team hoodie. I go wash my face in the bathroom, clip up half of my hair and brush my teeth before I walk back to my room.

"Oh hello," I tease Logan who's half awake scrolling in his phone still laying on my bed.

He responds with a very half-sleep as he looks up at me, "Hi."

"Uhm my roommates and I are going to brunch, you have to leave but they can't know you're here," I say as I head into my closet.

I drop my dirty clothes into the hamper, continuing to talk, "Uhm I have an extra key I can let you use if you promise to leave it under the mat for me to grab later."

I walk back out to my room. Logan's now sitting up, stretching his arms up over his head. Then stretching left, then right, his t-shirt rising just enough to show a couple inches pof his toned torso. I notice a dark bruise on his side.

"What's that?" I ask, my eyes locked on the bruise even as his t-shirt goes to cover it again.

Logan's eyes follow mine, "The bruise? Got a puck to the ribs at practice," he shrugs.

"What's the bruise on your knee from?" He asks pointing to my knee.

"It's from this roll thing we're doing in our nationals number," I shrug crossing my arms over my chest. 

"Kenz!" Alana's voice calls my name. I rush to grab my purse and cross the room to dig my extra key out of my junk drawer.

"Lock the front door, leave this under the mat," I put the key in Logan's hand, then pause as we make eye contact, "Thank you for last night."

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