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I woke up, in a room, wrists bound with a rope, connected.

Great, them trusting me, and knowing I'm not like my mom, was a fucking dream.

But this, this was worse. Except the same guy, in the back. Looking like he can't handle anything.

One held a whip. The rest had the fists clenched, or looked like they only had there combat boots on, to double the pain. I looked at them, with fear in my eyes. All I know is I'm here because of my mom.

"We will do this easy, or the hard way. I'm pretty sure you can tell what the hard way is." The tall one said, swinging the whip around a little. I backed farther into the wall behind me.

"How much did your mother pay our record label." He asked. What?

"I-i dont know.." I say.

"Last chance." He replies.

"I swear, I don't know! If I knew I'd tell you!" I slightly yell.

"DONT YELL AT ME!" He said, and walked towards me, holding the whip, and hitting my again,

And again, and again, and again. I screamed out in pain with every hit. He stopped the hits, after so many, and I fell. The cuts my mother made, even the scared, opened.

"P-please, just kill me..." I said.

"Oh, sweetheart, this will be again, of course, until you tell us what we want." He growled. Great, so I am going to die here.

"Guys, we are never going to get anything out of her. We should just end it and kill her." One said. My eyes widen as I looked up at these 4 strange men, and the other one still in the back.

"You should give us a little alcohol and some alone time." One winked.

"No Ashley. We don't even know her age. Or if she has her innocent." Another said.

Dear god, I'm going to die.


"How old are you" I'm guessing Ashley asked.

"S-seventeen."I stuttered.

"Dam. So close. Just wait baby." He said, and with that t my arms widen.

"Am... Am I going to die here?" I asked. His face softened, but regained shape.

"Dont talk unless asked. You know, Andy was talking about another try. It's time." He said, and went to get the others.

Tears slid down my face as the foot steps grew louder and louder.

"K beautiful, we decided that if you don't talk, next time, you get him. This round won't count, only because I'm giving you a chance." The one that hurt me earlier said.

"Please.. I really don't know anything. If you want to kill me if I don't have anything to tell you, well then do it. Because I don't know." I said, lust for death in my eyes.

"You really don't know anything do you?" He asked.

"I don't. I can try and find out though. I just need a phone to call my mom, and pull answers." I explained.

"How do we know you won't call for help?" He asked.

"Because I'd rather die then go home. Matter in fact, if you do decide to let me go, I will continue to be away from home." I said.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"What you did to me, was daily. This is no newer then a belt. Or my own mother. You see this dress? I'd rather be in jeans. You see this face, it's to much makeup. You see these-" I pull up my sleeves, showing it all. "- make me feel less, and make me feel weak, while it gives my whore fake bitch of a mother gets the feeling of power. I will not go home, now that I'm out of it. I refuse. So kill me if you want, I don't care anymore." I say, and their jaws dropped.

"You'd be doing the biggest favour of my life." I mumble, and look away, with silent tears, sliding down my cheeks. Next thing I know I hear ripping, and my wrists are free. I look at them, turn them, looking at the where the rope was, that cut into my skin. I looked at the one who did it, and he had his hand stretched out.

I willingly took it, and smiled my thanks. I may not die, this might just be all alright. Just maybe. Unless this day is a trick.

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