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I almost woke up, but denied myself. I was almost back asleep when I heard whispering.

"From being around us? Probably not. Past? Probably not. She's fine, the chance is pretty much non exsistant."

"What if she finds out what we are?" and then I fell asleep.

I woke up in the woods, and my back was sore so this wasn't a dream.

I stood up, looking around when it was like my mind was blank.

I whipped around and grabbed a mans wrist, which in his hand held the knife.

From his scared eyes I could see my eye color turn a deep red, my reflection scared me.

"You ever come within 50 feet of me and I swear to god" I growled. I let him go and I seen there was a burnt hand print.

He ran away in fear, as I did to. What I was running from? I don't know. Possibly myself.

Even though I couldn't escape myself.

I started up a tree, getting more fear full by the second.

Once I was pretty high up I sat on a thick branch (o_0).

I didn't want this to happen. I'm a monster. Imagine if the authorities found out! The would run tests on me... I woudnt allow that to happen.

"I don't want to be this way..." I whisper to No one. A tear slipped out my eye as I sat my hand on the tree. When I pulled away there was a burn mark. I only froze in fear.

"I'm a monster... What even am I?" I whispered.

I should probably leave, if someone found out, would they turn me in, they could try to kill me, what ever.

"Dev! Dev where are you?!" I heard. I didn't respond. This was bad, Really bad and I can't let them find me.

I held my breath as I seen them walk under me. They looked everywhere but up. Once they passed I jumped down, but they heard the light thud I left.

"Devon?" Jake asked. I nodded no, tears springing to my eyes. Then my mind went blank and white mist seeped from my pale skin. The colour of purity. I couldn't move myself but my arm came up, and wiped the side of my mouth. Jinxx took a step forward, then black wings painfully sprung from my back, but not a weep occurred.

We will come back but your emotional stability is not on green. I am taking over for a minute. A voice that was smooth like paper rung in my mind. My body ascended from the ground. i began to shake horribly and i became scared. my head snapped up, and i cried out. "jinxx! helP ME!" i said, then it all went black for a second.

I then woke up, it was like my soul was stored n the back of my mind like the thoughts ive stored here so many dammed times. "sorry boys, our time is up. i will have to see you later" what?! no! "stop!" i cried, but nothing came out. My body then started moving on its own and they followed after me.

I'm sorry, but I have to do this to keep you safe.

I was screaming and falling, but my body wasn't. "Wait! Please!" I heard behind me. I wanted to stop, and just fall to the ground and wail.

My lungs started to burn as my throat went dry. "Please stop!" I cried, but it's like I was in a room, placed in the back of my mind.

It was like banging on glass while your drowning. My body burned as i ran faster.

Soon I was back in control and I fell to the ground, coughing and put of breath. I breathed heavily, my mouth and throat dry.

I felt someone collapse beside me and place their arms around my trembling and cold body.

I felt a little warmer, as hot tears ran down my cheeks. I was scared to move, as if I moved an inch the person would feel the burning of my body that the tree felt.

I looked up to see who it was slowly.

It was Jinxx, looking down worried at me. He moved a hand and brushed the hair out of my face, as he smiled slightly.

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