Chapter 3

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Rick bows back as to show respect
Rick;anyways sorry to intrude on your shrine I'll be heading out now
Rick said as he started to walk away but was stopped by yae

Yae; no no why don't you join me for some tea
Yae said as she looked towards him

Rick knew that it was rude to say no
Rick;um okay
Rick said as he and yae head off to have some tea

And at this point in time their fate was intertwined by this one meeting as later on becoming friends

(Unknown location)

In a secret location the light we're having a meeting

Vandal savage; are there anything else to report
Vandal asked as he looked towards his members

Ra's; actually yes there appears to me that Rick Termui is no longer in that younger league team
Ra's said

Queen B; than we should take this opportunity to turn him onto our side with the right training and a bit of mind changing he'll be a valuable asset
Queen B said as she crossed her arms

Lex: I disagree if we did you'll know who will catch wind of his son being with us or worse if he heard that his son was brain washed
Lex said with a bit of worry

Klarion;oh you mean Yuuki Termui
Klarion said which shook some of the members to their core

Vandal;Luther does have a point for now we'll monitor him for now and a small warning for all of you do not anger Termui Yuuki if you do than may god have mercy on your soul
Vandal said as their meeting came to a end.

(Rick pov & time skip)

It's been a few months after meeting Yae and we got to know more about each other and when Yae said that she was 500 years old Rick was a bit shocked but really wasn't as there are some heroes who are somewhat older than her....Rick found Yae was both powerful when it comes to fighting but also very lazy as sometimes she would relax in her shrine taking naps....he also found out that she loves to tease him as she would sometimes to thing interesting for her as in some scenarios making him to blush brighter than a Christmas tree

Right now Rick was at the shrine as he was tired after training for the day and decided to relax by a Sakura tree or so he thought as while he was laying there something lands on top of he opens his eyes all he saw was pink hair

Rick;you know Yae you could have just laid down next to me there is a lot of space
Rick said as he controls himself

Yae yawns as she lays on Rick ignoring what he said
Yae; well there is a lot of space but right here is a better place
Yae said as she relaxes

Rick;whatever than
Rick sighs as he just accepts this as if he did anything then 2 things would go down, 1;she'll just make the teasing worse or 2: she'll beat him up

Rick did challenge her once to see how strong she was and boy she absolutely destroyed him as he never stood a chance

Rick;hey Yae I was wondering if you wanted to head to the city
Rick said as he moves her hair away from his vision only for one of her tails to block his view

Yae; oh are you asking me on a date?
Yae said with a smirk as she teased

Rick blushes a bit
Rick;no I just wanted to asked because I've never seen you away from the shrine and I thought you'll like to experience the city
Rick said as he composes himself

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