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"What are we doing in the palace?" Severus asks as soon as we got there

I can feel a strong sense of negative energy inside

Gabriel didn't response and continues to run all the way inside of the palace

"Wait up!" Stella yelled

We followed him and I noticed that the palace seems empty

Gabriel leaps on the stairs and went inside a room, and we finally catch up to him. A familiar silhouette is in front of us


A laugh echoes in the entire area as the doors behind us closed on their own

"Goodness, you're all here." The voice said

"Adelaide? Why are you doing this? I supported you to achieve your goal and this is what I get after helping you!?" I screamed

"Adelaide?" The voice asks before she laugh, "I am not Adelaide."


A woman appears from the darkest corner of the room

"Veronica..." I uttered

Stella was too stunned to see her, she didn't anticipate that Veronica would cause all of this

"Yes! It is I, lady Eloise! Veronica! A goddamn servant from the ducal's state!" She screams

"What did you do to them!?" I asks

"Hmm..... Let me think, you're concern about the others but you aren't concerned about this silhouette in front of you?"

I didn't speak. I can feel my heart beats faster. I'm not mistaken, that is Adelaide right there.

"If you guessed that this silhouette belongs to you beloved teacher, then you guessed it right! Brava!"

She grabbed Adelaide's hair and pushed her on the floor.

"Goodness, this woman is still bloody unconscious. Oh well, I guess it's better if she is not able to see the noble lady, who helped her, die in front of her." Veronica added

I attacked her and grabbed her hair. Suddenly, I feel a paw grabbed me and throw me away from Veronica

"Lady Eloise!" His highness helped me with the others

"F*ck..." Stella uttered

Gabriel growls to the one who attacks me

It's a werewolf creature. A big werewolf, siding with Veronica.

Is that the werewolf that Stella mentioned four years ago?

The werewolf transforms into its human form. I shocked when I recognized that person

It's the guy in the bookshop, I believe his name was Malcolm.

"Ah, we meet once again, lady Eloise." He smirks as he bowed down to me

I struggle to get up, the impact was too strong, it almost hit my head

"You both bailed Sera out from prison, didn't you?" I asks

"We didn't bailed Sera out from prison, lady Eloise, we helped her escaped from prison, and that's two different things. Besides, I know, ever since you woke up back then, you aren't the lady Eloise I used to serve. Your behavior and your morals drastically changed. I served that bitch ever since, I knew what's going on inside her tiny little brain. I don't know who you are and why are you pretending to be her, but I know for sure that this will be your end." She responds

I smirks, "I outsmarted you before, didn't I? You think I don't know that you told the head chef to poison me before? I ordered to punish her because I wanted you to know what I'm capable of, Veronica. And about the human trafficking business that happened here four years ago? I know it was your doing. You simply told the Viscount that the Northern Empire's nobles are willing to buy a slave from you. Am I right?'

"But the fact you didn't do anything or confronted me about it before means you're a coward, right, lady Eloise?"

"No, I simply want you to think that I am the same dumb, illiterate and delusional Eloise. However, you already finds out that I am not the same as before. People simply change, Veronica."

Veronica's expression seems furious, "Malcolm, get her!"

Malcolm was about to attack when Gabriel jumps towards him

Malcolm transforms into his werewolf form again and slashed Gabriel's body

While the two creatures fought inside the room, his highness quickly helped me

"You aren't getting away from me!" Veronica yells as she grabs a sword

Theodore deflect it and Stella kicked her right in her face, causing Veronica to lose consciousness

"That's for betraying lady Eloise." Stella utters

Raiden saw my wound and immediately healed it

Gabriel was pushed on the side and I saw Malcolm was heading towards me. Stella quickly jump into his back and wrapped her arms around his neck

"You aren't going anywhere near lady Eloise!"

Gabriel quickly stands up and bite his arm

The werewolf growls from pain, and then Theodore deeply cut his stomach.

"I'm leaving lady Eloise under your care, I'm going to help them." Severus stated

"Yes, your highness," Raiden response

His highness grabs his sword, he leaps and stabbed Malcolm's chest

Stella finally let go of his neck along with Gabriel

Malcolm's werewolf body lays on the floor alongside with Veronica's unconscious body

"Let's get out of the room." Severus said

"Let me heal Gabriel's wound first, he's losing too many blood." Raiden offers

Gabriel was about to growl at him when Stella suddenly pats his head

Raiden instantly touched his wounds and a light came out. A seconds later, the wound completely vanish

Gabriel transforms into his human form and utters, "Thanks."

Raiden gives him a kind smile.

I'm certain he's relieved right now.

A/N: I'm sorry for the grammatical errors, and I just woke up huhu

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