Chapter Eleven

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(Same outfit from last chapter)

Rory smiles as he rests his head in Rosalie's as she plays with his hair, the pair of them waiting in the car for the others to arrive "You want to stay for dinner tonight?" Rosalie asks. "I'm always up for Esme's cooking." Rory smiles. Rosalie smiles and kisses his head softly "We interrupting?" Emmett jokes as he and the others walk over to join them. Rory smiles and sits up, frowning when he hears the truck start up. Turning he sees Bella drive off "Wow." he remarks. "She not ask you if you needed a lift?" Jasper frowns. "No, she didn't." Rory responds with a sigh. "Well, you're coming home with us. You can message Charlie on the way and explain how Bella left you here so you're hanging out with us for a bit." Alice smiles happily. "I'll message dad." Rory nods, pulling out his phone.
Rory- Going to Cullens for a bit. Bella left me at school so they offered me dinner before coming home x
Dad- Okay, I'll talk to Bella later. Tell the Cullens I said hello. Don't be too late, it's a school night x
Rory smiles as he puts his phone away "Dad says hi." he tells Emmett and Rosalie, the others being in Edward's car.

The three of them climb out the car, the other three doing the same "Come on, I messaged Esme so she's already planning dinner for you." Alice smiles, skipping inside. Rory smiles and follows after her with his other mates "Rory, it's so good to see you." Esme greets with a smile, pulling him into a hug. "It's good to see you too, Esme." he responds, feeling content and motherly love in her hug. "I'm making you fresh pizza with cheesecake for dessert tonight." Esme tells him. "Sounds delicious." Rory smiles. "You want to watch a movie Ror?" Jasper asks, wrapping his arms round his mate from behind. "Yeah, what movie?" Rory asks, smiling and leaning into Jasper's embrace. "Little Mermaid?" Rosalie suggests from the dvd shelves. "Yes!" Rory grins, his eyes lighting up. His mates smile fondly at him as he rushes over to the sofa, sitting on it as he excitedly waits for Rosalie to put the dvd on. Rosalie puts the movie in as Jasper and Edward sit either side of Rory, Emmett sitting on the floor by Rory's feet with Alice on side of him. Rory smiles happily as Rosalie sits the other side of Emmett, Edward nuzzling his head into Rory. Shifting slightly, Rory moves so Edward can cuddle into him as Jasper intertwines there fingers.

After eating, Rory sits on the sofa with Rosalie and Alice curled into him either side "I should be getting back home soon, dad told me not o be too late as it's a school night." he tells them. "I'll drop you off." Rosalie tells him. "Thanks Rosie, let me say goodbye to Esme and the others." Rory smiles. Alice sits up and gently kisses him "I'll pick you up in the morning." she tells him. "Okay Allie." he responds, kissing her back. Rory stands up and goes to Edward and Esme in the kitchen, Edward immediately at his side "Message if you need us and we'll be there." he tells him. "I know." Rory smiles, kissing him. "My turn." Emmett grins, lifting Rory from behind. Rory laughs "Emmy!" he exclaims. Emmett puts him down and kisses him "See you tomorrow handsome." he tells him. "See you tomorrow." Rory responds with a smile. "If you need to get away from your sister, you're always welcome here." Esme tells him. "Thank you Esme." Rory tells her, hugging her. Esme kisses his cheek "Look after yourself Rory, ignore anything she says." she says. "I will." Rory nods. Walking out to the living room, Rory kisses Jasper "See you tomorrow." Jasper tells him. "See you tomorrow." Rory smiles.

Rosalie pulls up to the Swan residence, turning off the engine and turning to Rory "You want me to come to the door with you?" she asks. Rory smiles "You sure you can deal with Bella?" he asks. "I can deal with any annoying human for you." Rosalie tells him. "Come on then." Rory tells her, climbing out the car with her. The two of them walk to the door, Rory unlocking the front door "Dad? I'm home. Rosalie dropped me off, she's just popping in to say hello if that's okay." he calls out. Charlie walks in from the kitchen "Hey kiddo, hey Rosalie. Thanks for dropping him off." he says. "It's no problem Charlie. As long as Rory gets home safe, my family and I are happy." Rosalie smiles. "You want a drink or anything?" Charlie asks. "I'm alright, thank you. I just wanted to say hello before I went home. It was good to see you Charlie, Esme mentioned having you over again for tea soon." Rosalie tells him. "Let her know I'd like that. I'll check my schedule for her." Charlie nods, going back to the kitchen. "I will. Night Rory." Rosalie tells her mate, kissing him. "Night Rosie, message me when you get home so I know you got back alright." Rory tells her, noticing Hella at the top of the stairs. "I will. Don't forget Alice is picking you up in the morning, usual time." Rosalie smiles. Rory nods and gives her one last kiss "See you tomorrow." he smiles, waving her off as she leaves.

(Trigger Warning: Transphobia)
Bella comes come the stairs, looking annoyed "Why didn't you tell me you weren't coming home for dinner? I cooked." she tells him. "I messaged dad." Rory responds, kicking off his shoes. "Well you should have told me Aurora!" Bella glares. Rory flinches, closing his eyes and taking a breath "What's going on?" Charlie asks, walking over. "N-Nothing dad." Ror mumbles. "Bella?" Charlie asks, raising his brow. "She didn't tell me she wasn't coming home for dinner. I cooked and she wasn't here to eat it." Bella responds. "Your brother messaged me to let me know, I passed the message on. He also told me how you didn't ask if he needed a lift back home, if he didn't have a way to get home he would have had to walk." Charlie tells her. "She got home fine, didn't she?" Bella asks. "He, Bella. Rory is a boy, your brother. Learn to respect that." Charlie glares. "Dad, it's fine." Rory mumbles, looking down. "No it's not, Rory. Bella, you need to learn to respect your brother and his life. What you're doing is completely uncalled for." Charlie tells his daughter. "She's a freak! She's a tranny and a whore! She should be in a mental hospital!" Bella glares. Rory feels tears fall, pulling on his shoes and running out "Rory, come back!" Charlie calls after him.

This is Me!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang