Chapter Thirty One

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After speaking to Niragi, Takara spent the rest of the day doing her usual activities, seeing Kuina at dinner and catching up with her on the latest events in their lives.

Kuina had suggested that the two get drinks for tomorrow evening, thinking that the two of them deserved to let their hair down for the first time in a while.

Takara hadn't seen Chishiya since their fall out, and despite being mad at him, she was starting to miss his presence. It felt like he was purposefully avoiding her, wanting her to sit with the consequences of her actions. It wasn't working though, Takara still felt that she did the right thing, she even got a promotion out of it.

Her conversation with Niragi had also been lingering in her mind. In a strange way, she knew a lot of what he had said was right. She needed to be tougher, more ruthless. That's what her head was telling her to do, but her heart still yearned to be good. She planned on trying to find a middle ground between the two, if that would be even possible.

The evening that she and Kuina had decided on getting drinks quickly approached, and Takara found herself getting ready to meet Kuina in the bar.

Having not dressed up in a while, Takara picked out a two piece, dark green bikini with a short, sheer black kimono over the top of it. She thought that she looked hot as she looked at herself in the mirror. But the bandage still wrapped around her stomach kind of ruined her look.

She sighed, wishing that her body would heal itself faster. She shook the shallow thoughts from her head, telling herself that she should be grateful she was still alive.

Slipping her shoes on, she headed out of her room and towards the bar.

The two had decided on getting to the bar early in the evening, wanting to get ahead of the crowds. When takara arrived, she noticed the harsh difference between the bar now, and what it's normally like later in the evening. What would normally be the bustling club was more of a relaxed drinking area with only a light playing of music in the background.

Kuina waved over to Takara, giving her a wolf whistle as she got closer. Takara laughed, taking a seat next to her best friend.

"I'm convinced that errand girl took you to a secret closet where they keep all the good clothes because girl, you are stunning as usual" Kuina spoke in her usual quick manner, her words making Takara blush.

The two girls chatted away, one of them going up to get drinks for the both of them every now and again.

After a few drinks, Takara told Kuina about her promotion to executive. Kuinas face instantly lit up as Takara revealed the news.

"Congrats girl! I already heard about it from other people but I want to hear all about it from you now!"

"Wait, you already knew? How?" Takara said, confused.

"Word travels fast around here, most of the people here are big gossipers, that's why I try and keep my circle close" Kuina explained, taking a sip from her drink.

"As a new executive you'll have a lot of attention on you now, some good, but mostly bad. And that's exactly why you need to stop slacking on your training and come workout with me!"

Realisation dawned on Takara's face, she hadn't trained in so long and had almost forgotten about it. Right now she isn't in the best shape for any strenuous physical activity, but she should probably brush up on her skills a little.

"I'd completely forgotten! You know what, let's go tomorrow" Takara decided, earning a nod from Kuina.

"Oh my god, you'll never guess what happened the other day" Kuina excitedly said.

Heart of a survivor × Chishiya ShuntaroWhere stories live. Discover now