Chapter Thirty Two

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Chishiya held out a glass of water to Takara.

She slowly blinked her eyes, looking at the glass in his hand. She took it from his grasp.

"And take two of these, they'll help with the pain" he held out a packet of pills to her, which she slowly took from him.

"Thank you Mr. Doctor" she replied, oblivious to the fact that it was Chishiya she was speaking to.

He quietly chuckled at her, watching her as she swallowed the pills down with her water. Chishiya left her to finish her drink before bringing a stool over and taking a seat in front of her.

It was only being faced with him that Takara realised who it was. Her face scrunched up in annoyance, not wanting to be around Chishiya.

"What are you doing here?" she grumbled, shuffling backwards in her seat to create some distance between them.

"Kuina brought you here"


"Because you seem to keep getting yourself into trouble, and I'm the only one that can clean this up for you" he said, pointing at the cuts on her head.

"Well like I said, I can take care of myself" she objected, starting to get up from her seat.

"That's not wise" Chishiya stood up quickly, putting his hands sternly on her shoulders.

"You need my help. So let me help you" He said softly, his grip on her shoulders lessening.

Takara wanted to leave, but she was in no state to do so. She made no movement to leave, which made Chishiya assume she was staying. He gently pushed her back down onto the sofa, taking his seat in front of her again.

"I'm going to sort out the cuts on your forehead first," he said, grabbing some tweezers.

"What happened?" He asked.

"This guy slammed my face into the bar because he's mad I stole his executive spot" She huffed, miming quotation marks around the word 'stole'.

"That explains the glass stuck in your skin. This might feel a bit uncomfortable."

"Hold still" He told Takara, taking a hold of her head.

Chishiya held her head in one hand while starting to pick out the small shards of glass. Takara grimaced while he went to work, letting out a few pained groans every now and then.

Once Chishiya was done removing the glass, he set the tweezers down and picked up a cloth. He poured some antiseptic liquid on it.

Without warning, he placed the cloth against her head, making Takara hiss in pain. Not thinking, she reached out to the closest thing to grab, which ended up being Chishiya's hand. She squeezed it tight as he continued to press the cloth against her.

The pain had sobered Takara up a little, making her start to look around the room behind Chishiya. They were sitting in the upper left hand corner of the room, with large, floor to ceiling windows to the left of them. In front of her, a large glass table had lots of gadgets and trinkets covering it. She wondered if he had been making something before she entered.

A minute or so passed, and the two hadn't spoken. It was a comfortable silence that occured between the two.

"You're unusually quiet" Chishiya's voice brought Takara out of her thoughts.

"I was just thinking"


"What if Hiroshi isn't the only one who wants to hurt me?"

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