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I went off to go meet my friends at the club. I haven't met them in years and it was a reunion long coming.

I got onto my bike and was riding when I noticed someone tailing me. Again? These fellows really don't even cut me any slack. I rode down and took 2 sharp turns before I lost them for a bit. However, I knew it will be a matter of time before they found me. I quickly called Kinn who roared in anger. He told me to try and lose them and share my live location. I agreed. I didn't even bring any weapons with me.

I got onto my bike and made my way to the club, but taking many turns and roundabouts. I lost about 3 of them but there were 2 other guys persistently keeping up with me. I accelerated all the way and did a sharp left, only to go flipping over thanks to one who came in the other direction. I skidded and fell down, flipping over and I hit the curbside. Fuck.

I stood up slowly, bleeding from my right elbow. I glared at the guys who seemed poised for a fight. They came charging at me. I managed to keep them away but one was sneaky and used a rod to hit me hard on my back! I coughed out blood and fell. But before I hit the ground, I fell into someone's arms.

I looked up to find myself staring right back into Vegas's keen glaring glimmering black orbs. Shit. He looked pissed. More than for myself, I knew those guys were screwed. As much as he hated me and Kinn, he still stood up for us when he did, because still family. There was that little bit of affection. If we were being screwed over, we had to, by him and not by a 3rd party.

Vegas held me up and pushed me away. Kinn came there too and took me. Vegas signalled for us to leave and Kinn nodded tersely. The last I saw was Vegas fighting them heads on as I was brought away.

I was brought back home and the family doctor came over. He dressed my wounds and asked me to strictly stay in bed for a few days. I groaned. I had been back barely a day and I was already out of action. What the fuck was going on?! I stared at Kinn who just looked at me sheepishly. It must be one of his enemies again, baying for my blood as revenge. I sighed as I laid back and then I groaned when I hit a sore spot.

About 2 hours later; I was just standing at the window smoking when I saw Vegas coming back. He looked like he was bloodied and injured himself. I just watched as I saw him walk off. He was trying to help me. I tsked and finally decided to go over to check on him but I saw him walking towards my house instead.

A little while later, I heard knocks on my door. I went over to open it and found him standing there.

"Are you ok?"

I nodded.

"You.. are you ok?"

"Why didn't you bring a gun? Are you fucking dumb or what?"

I blinked rapidly. What the fuck. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Watch it. Lose the tone. I'm going out. Why would I want to bring a gun?"

"Even if you are sleeping with someone, bring your fucking gun. Have you forgotten which family you are from?! You almost died earlier. Mother fucker."

I glared at him. It was at the tip of my tongue to lash out at him but it was a fact that he had saved my ass from being whooped. I kept quiet, sighing.

"Take care. Be careful. Keep a gun with you."

I nodded. I finally cast a look over him and saw his bleeding hands and the wounds near his mouth.

"You are bleeding. Let me get the doctor?"

"Don't be soft Kim. I be fine. I'm going off."

Before I could retort, Vegas had disappeared. I just pinched my nose bridge in frustration and just closed the door. I went to the window and saw him walking off, the trail of blood just marking after him.

I went back to bed, just lying down but finding myself unable to sleep. I tossed and turned and still couldn't sleep. Around 1am, I decided to slip out for a walk. I took my gun and went out into the gardens for a walk. Just as I turned the corner, I saw someone puffing away. I cocked my gun and walked towards the person. Without even turning, before i could register his presence, Vegas called out to me.

"Good you brought the gun. Now, keep it away. Its just me. Fool."

I almost jumped on him in anger but held myself back.

"What are you doing here?"


"I couldn't sleep."


"How are you now?"

"I be fine."


Vegas turned to look at me and just smirked. He nodded, then stood up, stubbing his cigarette out and walking away. I watched as he walked away, curiouser and curiouser over his nonchalant flippant attitude towards us.

Cu + Ag (VegasxKim) [Completed]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें