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I was doing some work in the meeting room when Kim came by the next day. Kinn came too with Porsche and I immediately smiled at Porsche making small talk knowing it will infuriate Kinn.

True enough, I had barely gotten in 5 words when Kinn jumped in, told me to fuck off and asked Porsche to leave. Porsche got pissed with his attitude as he was tired of being the middle guy between us. He went off pissed off and Kinn realized he had to make amends before Porsche froze him out. I watched as Kinn went off after him and I just smirked.

"Why do you do that?"

I looked at Kim.

"None of your business."

"You don't really have to antagonize Kinn right? You do it just for fun, don't you?"

"Like I said, none of your business. Stop trying to read me."

"If you are getting bristled, I must be close."

"What will it take for you to shut up and fuck off?"

I stood up, snarling at Kim. He threw me a eerie smirk and finally muttered, "Fuck me and I will fuck off."

I looked at Kim. Did he know what he was going on about? I stared at him dumbfounded abit until he started laughing. Asshole. I nearly threw my glass at him. He chuckled and he left.

I went on about my work, when I got a call from Kim.

"Where are you?"

"What's your problem?"

"In a abit of a rut. I don't want to call Kinn. Do you mind?"

"Tell me."

Kim confessed about how he was out with some friends and got into a fight. Getting into one wasn't the problem. It was rather who he got into it with. It was with one of the sons of the guys who has been looking for the perfect opportunity to get back at Kinn.

"Ah fuck. You brothers are really trouble. Where are you?"

Kim filled me in and I made my way to the pier. There he was, chained and being beaten up.

"Let him go."

"Or what?!" One of the guys snarled at me.

"You wouldn't want to know. For reals. Let him go. He's of no use to you."

"You are right about that. He isn't. But you are."

"What the fuck are you on about?"

"I heard you sleep with both men and women. Sleep with me and I let him go."

Before I could respond, Kim shouted "Hell no. You stay away from him."

I turned to glare at Kim, ordering him to shut the fuck up. I looked at the guy and I looked at Kim. I sighed softly.

"Let him go. And I come."

The guy motioned for his men to release Kim whilst he beckoned me towards one of the containers. We went in and he ordered him to give him a blow job.

Why would I do that when I could have easily taken him down? I didn't want this escalating into a full blown mafia war and as it is, we had enough going on. Having Kim go around picking fights that he couldn't settle wasnt one of them.

I left after the blow job, coming out to see a Kim who was pissed as fuck waiting for me.

"Why are you still here? Why didn't you go home?"

"Why the fuck did you agree to that?! Are you mad?! We could have taken him down."

"You could do shit. And there is no way I am letting this become another reason for a war. We have enough on our plates."

"But to blow him. What the fuck."

"Well I enjoyed it. What's your fucking problem?"

Kim stared at me speechless.

"Get into the fucking car. And stop getting yourself into trouble."

The ride home was eerily silent. Kim didn't speak a single word. I kept glancing at him but he was silent. Even when he alighted, he didn't say anything.

The next week, he completely ignored me. He didn't get into any shit and no one knew of what had happened but he didn't speak a single word to me nor acknowledge me. I didn't say anything because to me, fuck it.

But I admit, after a week, it was starting to bother me a bit. I rather he be sarcastic, rude or even his usual obnoxious self but nothing. He did his usual routine but started to bring Big and Ken with him.

Even when we did go out once as a group, he completely ignored me. We were out drinking when he and I were alone at the table for a bit. Kim kept chugging his whisky and ignored me.

"What's going on?"

Kim looked at me but didnt reply anything. He continued on his drink until I snatched the fucking glass away.

"Why are you ignoring me? You usually have something to say."

"I have nothing to say to you."

"What are you even pissed about?"

"I'm pissed at what you did. With that guy."

"What the fuck is wrong with you? It's just a fucking blow job. If it means he let you go, I fucking do it."

"You don't need to cheapen yourself to rescue me."

"Cheapen myself? Is that how you see it? Actually I don't fucking care for your thoughts. Or perception. See it however you want. You are safe and that's all."

Kim growled at me in anger and walked away, slamming the glass on the floor. I just stared at him walking away. What the fuck...

I stood up, going after him and finally catching up with him in the alley. His hand was bleeding from the shattered glass.

"What is wrong with you?! Have you lost your fucking mind?! When do you care about me? And look at your hand. You are bleeding asshole."

Kim looked at me stricken.

"I'm not that heartless. I didn't like you going down on him to save me. If that's the case, you needn't have to."

I let go of Kim's hand in shock, over his words. He just walked away from me, leaving me in utter disbelief.

Did one of the brothers just showed me he cared for me? The fuck?

Cu + Ag (VegasxKim) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now