Chapter 5

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It wasn't even noon yet, and Levi was already certain that this was going to be the worst day of his entire life. After hearing about the most horrifying execution of possibly the entire history of the land, Levi had rushed back to his room to try to gather his belongings and get the hell out of the kingdom before the pirate captain could show up again, but it was just his luck that as he was finishing packing, a knock sounded out on his door.

"The queen demands your presence," the messenger called out, and Levi let out a string of colourful curses. "Shall I relay your message to the queen?"

"No!" Levi was shaking, and his palms were clammy. "Tell her that I'm leaving. For good!"

"Of course," the messenger replied before walking off. Not even five minutes later, Levi heard the familiar sound of the messenger's heavy footsteps returning. "Our lady, Queen Aria, insists that you come. She said it's urgent."

"I am rather indisposed," Levi answered, racking his brain for excuses. "I have other very pressing matters to attend to."

"The queen commands that you come. She will let you leave the kingdom once she has spoken to you."

"Send her my apologies then! And tell her that she needs to hire a new scribe."

The messenger left once again, and Levi sighed in relief. Finally, he could finish packing his prized belongings and leave without a trace. He could get a simpler job in the far outskirts of the kingdom; maybe he could become a librarian or something. After all, no librarian that he knew of got dragged out in the middle of their workday to put up with pirates.

As he tossed his last book in his bag, he once again heard footsteps from the hallway; this time, however, it was clear that the messenger had brought others with him. He could recognize the heavy tread of the guards' boots on the ground from a mile away. Once again, the messenger knocked on his door, this time with way more force than necessary.

"I once again am asking on the Queen's behalf for you to speak with her. She awaits you in the throne room," he called out, and Levi could feel the blood rushing from his head as he turned pale.

"I'm not going!"

At his response, the guards knocked down his fragile wooden door and aggressively grabbed his arms, dragging Levi out of his office. Uncle Tobias, who had been standing uselessly in the corner of his room the whole time tried to help, but ghosts aren't very solid, and he just drifted right through the guards. Levi also tried to fight back, but alas, he was a scribe, and it had been years since he last did any strenuous activities. Eventually, he gave up and resorted to carrying his heavy book bag in his hand as he was torn away from the life he had created for himself, Uncle Tobias trailing behind with a worried expression on his face.

It was only a matter of time before he found himself standing in front of Queen Aria, who looked nothing short of furious. She glared down at Levi as he awkwardly bowed and brushed himself off. And of course, just as fate would have it, standing off to the side was the one person who Levi did not want to see at all: Wren Fields, appearing more clear than ever. He now looked more like a proper spirit, with defined features so that Levi could see every inch of that unbearable smirk across his face. It must have been a side effect of his recent execution, but Levi could not stand to see him so well.

"Levi," the queen greeted, her voice dangerously sweet. "I'm sure you must be wondering why I summoned you."

"Yes, your highness," Levi said with another bow, even though he really did not want to hear it.

"Due to recent events, certain facts have come to light," she began, and Levi could not help but feel that she was just dragging out his misery as long as possible. "Is there anything you wish to tell me?"

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