cals letter

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My precious darling







I know that you'll never read this

And I mean ever

I found your letters when I decided it would be best for me to move

Away from here

Away from what we had

To start over

To start a new life

I'll miss you my darling

I'll miss our apartment

I'll miss out couch and our bed

I'll miss all of the things we did on them

Like watching movies until we fell asleep each night

Or snuggling close together when our heating was out in the winter

I'll just miss you

I already miss you

I'll always miss you

My darling

Why did you have to go?

The cross on the side of the road is too much to bare

It's where you left me

No amount of day-dreams, flowers, or wishes can bring you back

It's been 17 days since you left and I don't think I can take another

I'll miss your smile and your kiss and your dimples

I'll miss you

And I love you

But you're still gone







yours truly - cal xx

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