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Tatiana and Bjorn rustled through the streets.

The festival was starting and people from many parts of the kingdom came to the capital to celebrate the Sun Festival. The festivities usually start at dawn, when the sun rises, and end when it sets, but that doesn't mean that it will be the end of the day's celebration.

At night, people enjoy the night stalls and caravans. There are also magic shows and plays. The highlight will be on the last night of the celebration when there will be fireworks.

"So much cool stuff," Tatiana whispered as they walked. The merchants are having the time of their lives since many people are buying from them. There were also magical things like a glowing and levitating rose in a glass container, bracelets that gave all sorts of energy to the wearer, and even boots that made people walk faster.

"Hey, Bjorn!" Tatiana gasped, "look at that cool magic sword!"

A blacksmith showcased his sword that emitted flames in a short amount of time. It burns the things that it slices and the user's energy is used for it to work. There was also other stuff like a bow with arrows that automatically burn when aimed at a target.

"Those things easily break and are not ideal when in battle. They also drain energy, which will put the knights in danger." Bjorn explained, and looked uninterested at all.

Tatiana kept her mouth shut since Bjorn didn't look like he was excited about the festival at all. She was also offered a magic pouch where she could store many things and could even fit a whole sword inside. Many magic items from all around the kingdom were being sold in the capital. Tatiana was tempted to buy many things, but she didn't have enough savings because most of her allowance is being used for the operational expenses of the orphanage.

"These are really pretty," Tatiana whispered as she stared down at a ring with a big blue stone at the top. At first, it looks like an ordinary gem, but when you look closely, it has white and many shades of blue swirling on the inside.

"You have a great eye, young lady!" an old woman who was selling the goods approached her and picked up the ring. "This is a magic stone that protects you from bad luck and sometimes, it may be able to grant a wish."

"That's nice," Tatiana said, but she was sure that she wouldn't be able to afford it. Plus, it sounded like a scam to her. She just liked it because it was very shiny and pretty.

They continued on their way to look some more. The only thing that was in Tatiana's budget was the street food that they were selling. They had corndogs that were cheesy and immediately melted in her mouth.

"These are good," she moaned in delight after eating one after another. "Have a bite!"

She raised her stick and placed it in front of Bjorn's mouth. His forehead creased and he immediately thought of rejecting her, but the princess looked like she was having a good time and he didn't want to ruin her mood.

He hesitantly opened his mouth and took a bite of the snack that the princess offered him. Tatiana encouraged her to chew and waited for his response. Bjorn chewed and sparks flew, and he immediately liked the taste. His eyes slightly widened in delight.

Tatiana chuckled and nodded in approval. "Tasty, right?"

While Bjorn was still chewing, Tatiana grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the crowd. There were face painters, and children were getting their faces painted with flowers and other cute things. A woman offered her a sunflower wreath, while Bjorn was offered a leafy one with dark blue lilies.

"Come up if you're willing to challenge our most powerful fighter!" a man announced. There was a crowd of people encircling a stage with thick ropes as railings. Most of the audiences were knights and big men, shouting and chanting while rooting for their champions.

Villainess Reborn: SEASON ONEWhere stories live. Discover now