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"Tatiana Loriel, Firstborn Daughter of the Late Queen and King Loriel, Crown Princess of Aragon!"

The princess stood hand-in-hand with the king and walked out to the balcony of the palace's event hall. The nobles clapped their hands and shouted their cheers. The function hall was filled with nobles from different parts of the kingdom and delegates from other kingdoms as well.

One of the knights muttered under his breath unconsciously, "She's stunning."

Another elbowed him and tilted his head in the other direction. The knight immediately gasped and covered his mouth out of shock.

Bjorn and Morgan were standing beside them. Their eyes were fixated on the princess above the balcony. Nobody would blame them. The princess truly shone tonight and was the most beautiful that she has ever been during other parties.

Her fiery vermillion hair flowed freely behind her, with pearls and gems attached to it. The gown exposed her neckline and a transparent and laced sleeve hung low on her shoulders, emphasizing her shoulder blades. The golden yellow color of her gown contrasted against her pale white skin and shimmered against the light.

After they presented themselves to the people, they slowly walked down the stair hall. Even as they walked, people watched them in awe. It is known to the people that the king was charismatic even when he was still young. But the princess was a different kind of beauty. People whispered that she looked exactly like her mother, except for the emerald green eyes that she inherited from her father.

"Captain," one of the knights nudged at him. "Captain!"

Bjorn broke from the trance. He looked around to see what was going on when the knight nodded his head in the princess's direction.

"It's time to escort the princess," he reminded him.

"Oh, right." Bjorn nodded and walked towards the king and princess and waited for them at the foot of the stairs.

"I don't think the Captain hates her anymore," the knight whispered, his eyes fixated on their captain.

Another whispered back, "What do you mean, hate? Do you mean whipped? The captain is head over heels for the princess and he doesn't even realize it."

Tatiana held her breath. Something about crowds made her dizzy and nervous. Her stomach churned and she wanted to run away as soon as possible but all of their gazes were fixated on her. She was scared that the people would throw their rocks at her.

"You look like you're walking on the execution stage to get your head beheaded off," Bjorn whispered to her as soon as she arrived down the stairs. He offered his arm to which she immediately held on. She feels like fainting at any moment.

"Make sure you shield me when they throe their rocks," Tatiana quavered and looked around nervously.

Bjorn was slightly surprised. Being thrown a rock at her forehead might have scared her more than he thought.

"Don't worry, no one will throw their rocks at you here. They will immediately be executed." He tried to calm her down.

"Oh, that works too."

They marched towards a small center stage where the Queen and prince Elliot were already sitting on their throne seats. Tatiana's face lit up when she saw Elliot and waved her hand. Elliot waved back but the queen glared at him which made him drop his hand.

Tatiana's smile turned to a scowl and Bjorn felt her grip around his arm tighten.

"Princess, your face." He reminded her.

Villainess Reborn: SEASON ONEWhere stories live. Discover now