4 - Nocnitsa

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Countryside, Noveria kingdom.

The man was sleeping next to his wife, holding her into his arms as they slept together in their bed, it's the middle of night and their son is sleeping in the other room. The two were tired after daily of farming to make a living during the Viking Invasion, but luckily he was experienced in sword fighting in case any vikings tried harm his family if they raid his farm. His wife snuggles to her husband with sleepy smile and held her tightly, slowly opened his eyes...

To see a.... shadowy figure? He couldn't make the picture out of it for some reason, he assumed it was his son. "Hey.." He said tiredly, slowly letting go of his wife as he sit ups to face his son. "What's wrong-" His words was stopped when he realized at the shadowy figure, the figure was tall and has long lanky arms and legs, black hair hung in lanky tendrils, skinny like bag of bones, decaying skin, her face was missing a mouth. Her appearance was terrifying and resemblance an Hag-like.

"W-Who are the hell are-" His words was cut off when an pair of two long arms ripped out of the mattress and held him down the bed, wrapped its around his mouth to silence and its other arm to hold him, screaming fearfully as the Hag approached to the man screaming in terror, the Hag formed a sinister grin as she raise her hand and rests her hand on his thigh, sliding her hand slowly up to his chest before resting her hand on his chest while he screams between muffled.

The Hag starts to cut the man's chest up with her claw while he screamed in agony as he felt her hand digging into his chest.

She suddenly feels her husband squirming in his sleep for some unknown reason. "Hey what's wrong with you?" She turns around in the bed and her eyes widened, seeing her husband eyes closed as blood coming out of his chest within his shirt. "Oh my god!! No!" She screamed loudly, blood splattered on her face as she let out a blood curdling scream, forcing to get out of her bed but she slipped on the ground due to the blood on her dress.


Church of Light, Noveria kingdom

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Church of Light, Noveria kingdom.

Audric hands her a  tankard of coffee to the lady that's trembling in shock, she slowly takes the coffee cup and then the knight walks back to his roundtable. The room was massive and wide that represent the Knights of the roundtable, a large round wooden table and dozens of chairs, a large chandelier above that act as lights.

"Mrs Miller, I am sorry for your loss." The Grandmaster answers in monotone, pulls the chair towards him and then sits next to her. "Can you describe what killed your husband that night."

"I-I-I.. there was nothing there Grandmaster." Mrs Miller said shakily, holding her coffee on her lap. "A-All I j-just saw my husband and he was... oh god.." She rests her hand against her face, sobbing between muffled behind her hand.

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