~cous cous~

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Cous cous

Hi. How are you?

Cous cous
I'm feeling great thank you
I am out rn
In a bar

That's great.
Who are you with?

Cous cous
Some people from my class
They're funny
Keep buying me drinks and shit
I'm on like
My forth shot

Be careful okay.
The person who's been killing those girls still hasn't been found yet
Are you alright?

Cous cous
I'm fine
And the man is probs like
In Mexico by now
I would be
Maybe I should go to Mexico

Maybe you should make this decision when you're sober.
Why is your name cous cous by the way?

Cous cous
My name starts with c
Cous cous starts with c
I got bored
Cous cous era is back

Back? You had your name like this before

Cous cous
Before I met you all
Met is a strong word
Such a great name
I wish my parents called me cous cous

Maybe you should stop drinking for a while
It's almost midnight
Most of our cases are from girls getting kidnapped or murdered by men at bars.

Cous cous
Sure sure
Tots gonna do that
In a minute
This guy's trynna talk to me

I don't think that's a very good idea Cassandra
Are you alright?
Please respond


Cassie smiled at the man in front of her. He looked a little familiar but she couldn't put her finger on where she knew him from.

"Hey there. I see you're all alone. Your friends ditch you or something?"

She looked around in wonder, confused about what he was talking about. They were right there...

Or they weren't.

Apparently, her supposed new friends had disappeared during one of her drinks. Great.

Her phone was sat on the counter, face down so she didn't see the notifications of a very worried man checking up on her.

"Uhh, yeah I guess. Do I know you?"

Maybe it was her drunken state. Maybe it was the stress from her education. But she just couldn't figure it out.

She knew she knew him.

And deep down it felt like she shouldn't even be talking to him right now.

The man grinned and shook his head. "No. But I would love to start getting to know you. How about I buy you another drink? Hmm?"

Cassie frowned.

She shouldn't be doing this.

It just didn't feel right.

"Sorry-" she realised her words were a little slurred. "I have to get home. My dog's all by himself and I completely forgot about it. Nice meeting you though."

He let out a small laugh, as if he didn't believe her.


"Sure. Can I get your number, first though? Wouldn't want to lose you when I just met you..."


That couldn't be right.

"I left my phone at home. Good to meet you."

The brunette stood from her seat, casually sliding her phone off the wooden surface and tried to conceal it under her sleeve.

Although, she wasn't as invisible as she thought she was.

"Oh yeah? What's that then? If you didn't want to talk to me you could just say so, Cass."


She didn't tell him her name. And she certainly didn't know him long enough for him to call her nickname.

"Bye, dude."

He let her leave without another word, simply fuming to himself and worrying what his mother would say when he got home.

He failed once again.

But he wouldn't next time.

Unknown- S. ReidWhere stories live. Discover now