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Cassie Lowen was never one to think on the negative side. She always tried to look at the cup full and spilling over.

But it was hard to think like that when she could hear her mother and brother making plans for their new future in a different country.

She couldn't imagine that life.

A life without freedom.

Sure, here she was locked in a room and tied up on a bed.

But there was hope.

Reid would find her.

He wouldn't just let her get taken away, right?

Would he?

They'd never met.


The BAU probably all hate her. She hacked them. She broke into their homes to pull a prank on them.

How fucking stupid could she be?

They probably realised that if she got taken away, they wouldn't have to worry about her anymore.

They're probably throwing a fucking party.

Cassie looked across the room at the mirror facing her.

She scanned over her face, looking at the pale skin, the messy hair, the glossy eyes staring back at her.

Never had she looked so awful.

Deep down, she knew she deserved it. Everything she did, it was wrong.

They should just let her get taken away.

"Cassie! 5 minutes!" The brunette looked up and toward the door, flinching ever so slightly when the older man walked through it. "You need anything?"

She pursed her lips, clenching her jaw and looked away.

This is what she gets.

For not helping her dad when he needed her.

For being so stupid and reckless when he died that she didn't even know what she was doing half the time.

For being a total bitch to everyone she ever met just cause she thought that's what everyone wanted.

"Cass... Don't ignore me. Are you thirsty? Hungry? Need the toilet?" She swallowed deeply. "Mum's gonna come in in a minute, if she thinks you're gonna be difficult she'll just drug you before we go."

"Good. Maybe she'll put too much in and I'll never wake up."

Carl rolled his eyes, letting go of the handle.

"Don't think like that. We'll start a new life and we'll be happy. So get over this little grump you're in and smile." She watched as his eyes wandered over her face for a moment. "Go on... Smile. I won't leave till you do."

Cassie glared at him.

Maybe she deserved this, sure.

Doesn't mean she'll take it.

"Smile." When he noticed she wasn't listening, his face started getting red again. "Fucking smile Cassie! Do it!"

"Fuck you!"

She spat at him.

Fucking dickhead.

"I'll go get the morphine then, hm?" He spun round and went right back to the hallway where he came from.

The girl let her body sink into the bed under her.

All she could hear was her fast breathing, her heart beat pounding in her head, the sound of quiet orders from outside, the clicks of he-

Wait what?

She closed her eyes, focusing on the sound from outside more than anything else.

"You're sure it's this one?"

"Yes. Three people inside, two in the kitchen, one in the bedroom."

Could everyone else hear this?

"Shit! They're here!"

Take that as a yes.

"Morgan, Prentiss, go through the back, JJ, Rossi, Carlisle with SWAT in the front. Reid and I will wait by the ambulance for the all clear."

The door to 'her' room slammed open, and an out of breath Carl stormed in with a key in his hand and a duffel bag on his shoulder. His pocket had a strange outline to it.

Like a weapon was in it.

"We're getting out of here."

He unlocked her cuff from the bed and onto her other hand before yanking her up.

She struggled against him, her heart racing.

This is it.


"Help! Help! He-"

A hand smothered her face as he dragged her across the room, listening to the shouting from outside: demanding they open up and surrender.

Cassie saw her mother with her own bags rushing around.

She watched as they both jumped when the door was pushed down to the floor, creating a large crash.

She saw Morgan on the other side, letting a deep sigh of relief escape her.

Until her breath got caught in her throat as she felt a cold object against it.

"Don't move! Don't move! Or I'll shoot her!"

Prentiss walked in from the door slowly at that moment. She froze when she reached Morgan, placing a hand on his shoulder before whispering something to him.

Cassie felt tears running down her face.

They came for her.

And now they might get shot.

Or she would.

Her eyes followed Morgan as he backed away and left the house, frowning at his fading figure.

Emily put her gun back in the holster, leaving her hands outstretched.

"It's okay. We're calling off SWAT. No need to do anything... Uncalled for."

The pair made eye contact, the black-haired woman cringing at the sight of her friend in so much fear.

"Wha- what's he doing? Where'd he go?"

Emily switched her gaze right back to Carl, "he's gone to go get someone. Someone who can help you all."

"Who?" When she didn't answer, Carl shoved the gun harder into his sister's skin. Emily's eyes widened at the sight, "who? Who is it!"

"Reid. Agent Spencer Reid."






So sorry for the late update. My WiFis been gone for ages.

Only a few more chapters left

My babies will get a happy ending soon!

Or will they?

A little self promoting:
If you enjoy teen wolf and Gen v, please check out my new book : bad idea.

Love you all xx

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