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Spencer stood in front of the house with Hotch, hands running through his hair back and forth as they shook.

He couldn't stop himself from thinking of the worse. Especially when he saw Morgan running out and toward him. The only thing that calmed himself down was that he wasn't covered in blood.

"Reid. Hotch. We need a negotiater in there. They've got a gun to her throat."


The only thing he could think of was Maeve.

He tried to help her but it only got her killed.

He couldn't go through that again. He couldn't be the reason Cassie died this time.

"I can't."

Morgan frowned at the sight of his best friend brinking on a break down. His whole body was shaking at the thought that this girl was gonna die because of him.

Slowly, he placed a hand on his shoulder and looked at him dead in the eye with a calming aura around him.

"Hey... Hey it's alright. She's freaking out just as much as you are, we need you in there. You're gonna help her get out of there safely."

Rubbing a hand over his face to try and get rid of the tears, Spencer shook his head.

"No... I'll get her killed. Send in Hotch or someone else. I can't."

"Yes you can. You're the only one who knows her and know what they want with her, okay? You can help her and you will. Come on."

The older man took hold of his friend's shoulder, bringing the man toward the home.

He could hear the pleads of Emily and JJ as they beg the man to let her go.

When they entered, Carl swung his body and hers around to face them.


She was perfect.

Just as he imagined.

Spencer surveyed the room, making sure they were all as safe as they could be.

Mary was standing behind her two children with an expression of fear. Carl held onto his sister in a lose chokehold and the gun pointed at her neck, as she stood frozen like a deer in headlights.

Cassie looked up from the ground to see him, a relieved smile on her face as she saw him.

The tears threatened to spill again as they made eye contact, but he held himself together.

"Carl, I'm Dr Rei-"

"I know who you are Spencer. I just want to know what you think you can do for us."

He nodded and walked closer, only stopping when he saw the man pushing the gun further into her pale skin.

"What do you want?"

He wasn't going to give him anything. Not even a compromise. He knew that these people wanted to take Cassie and that's it.

They weren't getting her.

No way.

"A way out. All three of us. No one following us. No guns. We leave, unharmed."

Morgan and Prentiss glanced at each other, knowing this was a life or death situation for their friend here.

They'd only met in person a few times, and most of them were spent talking about how good and her Reid would be together.

How she regretted not going on that date with him.

Unknown- S. ReidWhere stories live. Discover now