I have a million reasons to leave you tonight

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I am in love with you, the real you

Not with pictures I see on snapchat or instagram

I am in love with your voice when you talk about the things you like

I am in love with your eyes that shined brighter then the moon in the night

I am in love with the small dimples on your cheeks when you smile which goes unnoticed by others but noticed by some

I fell in love with the red string that connected the dotes

I fell in love with the burning fire in your eyes when you saw me smile a little too wide with the people you don't like

I loved to see you smile standing by my side like I ment the world to you and you would do anything to protect me, your little world.

All of you really did made me think you loved me like I do

I laughed a little too hard for you to notice and look at my way and smile or wave

I loved to see you smile specially when its ment for me

So yes,

I hated to admit it but yes my love I really am in love with you and now I don't hate it anymore.

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