Am I geting cheated on?

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You wrote poems about me making me both the poet and the poem

You told me you loved me more then yourself and I believed every word of it

You told to me to drown I floated you told me to cry I smiled

Our stars didn't intertwined they felt apart and far and wide

You liked me when I sinned but loved me when I did something good maybe that is why I liked you and stayed

But I forgot how you engraved deep marks into my skin and I cried and screamed and begged for you to stop but you didn't

I thought this was love but it wasn't and I was misunderstood

I smiled at your mom and dad so they could like me even though they insulted me

That hair I found on your shirt was a mistake I comforted myself knowing deep down it wasn't

That blue eyes blondie embraced you in such away I could never imagine myself

I hated that look on your face when you gave me a kiss all drunk and fainted

I wished you could kiss me the same when you were sobber but I know it wasn't ment for me

I fell in love with thrones and left the flower unwatered

I throught I was addicted to the pain that made me forget love but I guess I never did anyways

The diamond ring you brought me was fake so I left without it

I know you would be happy but I want you to cry

So I called your mom last night

I cried I cried till, no tears left but still smiled when I saw your face.

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