4. 네

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Author's pov

"What happened oppa?" Taehyung asked with a frown on his beautiful face but namjoon and jimin were quick to straighten his frown making him giggle

"Remember the case of klinefelter syndrome?" Namjoon asked in which he got a nod from taehyung so he continued

"The mother had an accident and is in need of an operation. The umbilical cord has very badly wrapped around the foetus's neck" namjoon informed and got numerous gasps from the royals

"Namjoon hy- oppa i can't leave from here. You know dad and grandfather will kill me." Taehyung whispered back to namjoon but the jeon brothers heard it pretty well

"But it's an emergency case , tae." Namjoon said.

"What to do...what to do... ohh yes right...my student" Taehyung gasped once he realised that one intern who has been helping him in all complex surgeries since the start

"You think Felix is capable enough for it? It's a very risky case" namjoon asked

"I believe hyung. On him as well as on my teachings. I know he won't let me down and also this will be a big lift in his career" taehyung said before looking at jungkook

"An office room or something?" Taehyung asked slowly , a shaky eye contact with his now fiancée

"Come with me" jungkook guided his fiancée to the palace's office room while namjoon rushed to his car to get the laptop and the air pods

"You think an intern can do it? The case sounds very umm dangerous" jungkook asked settling beside taehyung

"I believe in my students. I know I have taught them pretty well."Taehyung said with a smile and saw Namjoon enter inside with the other Jeon brothers. Namjoon quickly set the laptop and connected the airpods with Bluetooth. They can't let the voices echo in the room from an OT

"Ok yongbok take a deep breath, yes just like that my child now look at that patient you need to save her and her baby. Will you let two lives to die just because you are nervous?"

"No maam"

"That's what I thought. Now follow my lead and I know you are already very much skilled. Just do what I say and also keep your brain working yeah?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Good. First?"


"Yes. Go ahead"


"Check the vital and start with the incision"

"Yes. You're doing great yongbok. Swear on your brownies. You have to do this"


"Come on come on no time for jokes"

And the Jeon brothers looked in awe at how Taehyung performed a complicated surgery online and saved two lives. I mean it was the intern but yeah. They saved two lives

"Welcome to the world angel." Taehyung whispered into the microphone as the phone was kept near the infant's ear. The little infant smiled a little bringing a smile at taehyung's face

"All done. See you could do it yongbok. I am so proud of you bubba" Taehyung praised the intern who has a huge grin on his face. They all forgot that the surgery went for two hours and that they have absent from the hall for two hours

"Yes ma'am. Without you it wasn't possible. Thank you so much for the confidence and support ma'am. I will work more harder and make you more proud next time" Felix said bowing in front of the camera. Those words swelled up taehyung's chest with pride

"Well all those students who worked under taeyeon-shi's wings were great and are going amazing in their respective feilds" one of the nurse said while wraping the baby in a towel

"Taeyeon-shi is like a mama bird. Throughout the intership , the students she has under him. She will guide them and protect them like a mama bird and then when the intership is nearing an end she let's her baby bird fly away from under her protective wings" another nurse said with a beautiful smile and this made taehyung shy

"Ok ok enough. It's not about me it's about yongbok today. So celebrate his success guys and my little yongbok your gift is coming with Dr. Kim" taehyung said and smiled seeing his favorite intern till now among all the interns doing a little happy dance and then he bid them goodbye

"Congratulations tae" namjoon congratulated for another successful surgery

"Thanks namjoon hyung"

"Guys we need to leave. Its already been more than two hours" eunwoo said looking out of the office room

"Ohh my more than two hours. We need to leave quickly neither we all know what will happen" soonyoung said carrying sung hoon in his arms



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