9. 아홉

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Author's pov

"Honey!! Your wallet!!" Taehyung ran behind his husband who was running late for his meeting

"Ohh yeah , thanks sweetie. Drive safe!!" Shouting it with a sandwich in his hand , coat in his arm , wallet in other hand Jungkook ran out side after pecking taehyung's forehead

Three months of marriage and life is going great for the both of them except the part that Jungkook almost everyday runs off to the office with his breakfast in his hand.

Taehyung sighed , looking at his husband's car pulling off their mansion. He walked inside to get ready for his own work. An everyday life of Taehyung for the past two months. I mean they were on a break for a month so yeah two months

Taehyung was driving towards the hospital when his phone ran. He picked the call and connect it to the Bluetooth speaker


"Hi bear, how are you?" It was his mother. Apart from his toxic family his mother is the only person who loves him

"I am fine mum. How are you?" He stopped in the red light although it wasn't necessary yet he still follows the government rules

"I am good son. How is your husband?" Ms. Webster asked after taking a seat

"Talking about my husband... he is... a baby" sighing taehyung again started driving and smiled when he heard his mother chuckling

"Wae? What happened?" Ms. Webster asked

"His habits are like a baby~ wait wait did he took his phone?!" Taehyung suddenly remembered this while he was almost near the hospital

"Oh yeah right he did" nodding his head taehyung parked the car and took his bag from the back seat before plugging the Bluetooth in his ear

"Everything is ok right?" His mother asked , she is of course tensed for her only child

"Yes mum. Don't worry. He is taking very good care of me and tannie" Taehyung replied giggling and nodded to all who greeted him

"That's good to hear. Bear, you know that i love you right?" His mother asked.

"Of course i do mum. You are the only one who does though" taehyung said mumbling the last part but his mother heard it

"It's not like that bear-

"It is, like that mum. Haven't you seen those disgusted looks on my own blood related father's face and my so-called grandparents face whenever they see me?" Taehyung felt a pang in his heart when he said this. It hurts to see your family looking at you with disgust just because you are an intersex


"Leave it mum. You tell me, when are you shifting back to LA?" Taehyung asked after keeping his bag in the long table in his cabin and hanged his white coat on his chair

"*sigh* actually waiting for my flight" his parents marriage isn't great. His father cheated on his mother just because she couldn't give him a suitable heir or more like a complete heir. Intersex is half male and half female. They are like hermaphrodite , neither full male or full female so his father cheated on his mother and now he has a step brother who is actually good to him and is the second person after his mother who cares for him and third person is his step mom. His step mom is not like others , she is actually really good and kind hearted

So he insisted his mother to divorce his father and shift back to her hometown i.e LA. His father didn't even hesitated to sign the divorce papers for once. So his parents are officially divorced and his mother is shifting back to her hometown. Yes his mother is a American and he is half american and half korean. He is now Jeon-Nakamura Taehyung Webster / Jeon-Nakamura Taeyeon Webster

"Good. Say hi to granny from me" taehyung said and sat on his swivel chair

"It's your office hours right? I will call you once i land" Ms. Webster stood up to check in

"Yeah sure. Have a safe flight mum. I love you and i will visit you with my husband soon" Taehyung said and thanked his assistant who gave him his daily boba tea for funtioning well

"Yeah , i will. I love you too my baby. Sure!" His mother answered as she gave her passport to the lady in the counter

"Bye mum. I love you mumma" taehyung is a baby for his mother

"I love you too my son. Mumma loves you a lot" and finally the call declined. Taehyung feels happy after talking to his mother and that's when he saw a missed call from his husband so he quickly called back after disconnecting it from Bluetooth

"You called?" Taehyung wore his hospital scrub pants with the phone now in between his ear and shoulder

"Who were you talking too?" Taehyung wasn't fool to sense the little jealousy in his husband's voice

"Mumma" he simply answered and took a sip of his boba tea

"Ohh. She is off?" Jungkook asked. Yes they have shared their each and every secret and he has even told about his parents to his husband who was very upset with the Kim Family

"Going to" taehyung answered and then chewed on the bobas

"Oh ohk. The reason I called is to tell you that we have to go for the inauguration of one of the art gallery here in Ulsan. Its tomorrow so don't worry about it currently" jungkook informed while signing on a document

"Oh ohk-

"Dr. Jeon! We need you in the OT no.3!" A shout echoed in the hallways and taehyung was already on his feet

"I will go now-

"Stay healthy and eat your meals. Bye. Meet you at night" jungkook said quickly , knowing very well the importance of his wife's profession

"Bye honey-

"Dr. Jeon!-

"Yeah yeah coming!! Bye bye honey" taehyung said before declining the call and then quickly rushing out to wear the surgerical gown and cap and mask

"Bye" jungkook said looking his phone and smiled. He is happy to have taehyung as his wife. He doesn't regrets marrying taehyung


Fuck this word limit!

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