14. 십사

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Author's pov

One year later---

"What do you mean by go to Seoul?! Do you even realise my wife is pregnant?! She can go into labour any day and i am not leaving her at this crucial moment!" Jungkook screamed at the phone wishlist being in the terrace while taehyung in their room taking rest

"Jungkook its your royal duties , you can't back off-

"Oh my fucking god!!! I am 6th in the line of succession and you all make me do works as if i am taking over the throne! It's yoongi hyung who is the rightful successor of the throne not me. And one more thing grandmother , the hell i am leaving my wife. I am not leaving my family until and unless my son is born!" Jungkook screamed his lungs out on the phone before declining the call

He took some deep breathes to calm his nerves down. His family leaves no chance to get on his nerves , makes him work like a donkey and if he takes even a half day off they have problem. He is so done with this royal family shits

He walked back to his room to check on his wife. As soon as he entered their room he saw taehyung groaning in sleep while holding his baby bump. Taehyung is having labour contraction..

He quickly called the hospital to inform them before making a call to his driver to keep their car ready when taehyung screamed in pain at the contractions and then he saw water running down in between his wife's thighs

Jungkook quickly carried his wife before walking out of the mansion while whispering encouraging words in taehyung's ears. Taehyung continuously withered in pain while squeezing jungkook's hand and trying to follow his guidance of taking deep breathes

Whole Ulsan got informed about their duchess going into labour as the royal car along with cars full of bodyguards rushed towards the hospital. Reporters were already waiting outside when the royal couple reached the hospital

As the team was already ready taehyung was directly wheeled to the labour room. Taehyung was crying with each contractions. His labour lasted for three days , almost 73 hrs before he was wheeled into the birthing ward

The pain was so much that in mid taehyung fainted which scared the shit out of jungkook. He was panicking so badly but the doctors assured him that his wife will be fine before they proceeded to operate on the fainted duchess

Yoongi , jimin , jihoon , soonyoung , eunwoo , lia and even jungkook's mother-in-law had arrived but his parents were late. When his parents arrived he was crying in his mother-in-law's lap

Taehyung's step mother and brother too came except his father and finally the most awaited thing happened. They heard the first cry of their new royal addition. Jungkook cried out in relief as he prayed to all gods to keep his family safe

The doctors came out to congratulate the family before guiding jungkook inside to have skin to skin contact with the baby and hold his heir. Jungkook cried softly as he held his tiny son in his hold who was so small that he barely fit into his both arms

Once the nurse took the baby to wrap him in warm clothes jungkook went to meet his unconscious wife. Even being unconscious, Taehyung still managed to look incredibly beautiful. Jungkook sat on the stool beside his wife's bed and took taehyung's left hand in his own

"You did so well sweetheart. I am so proud of you" jungkook whispered and softly pecked taehyung's back of the palm before the ward door opened and his mother-in-law came in

"You both are doing very well as the duke and duchess. I am sure you will do great as parents as well." Ms. Webster said patting jungkook's shoulder and looked at his son sleeping peacefully on the bed

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