You Breathed For Me

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You are in your car headed to a fancy restaurant for your date with Drew. He's currently wrapping up filming, when you call him and he doesn't answer so you leave him a voicemail. "Hey, handsome. The kids are in bed and the babysitter arrived a few minutes ago so I'm heading out now. And just so you know, I'm ordering the most expensive thing on the menu because it's your treat. I love you, bye." you say and end the voicemail.


"Okay guys that's a wrap." Jonas says ending my scene with Madison. "Bye Drew see ya tomorrow." Madison says to me getting ready to leave. "Bye. Be careful in the rain." I tell her. "Oh, shoot. I can't be late." I say to Jonas. "Tell me that was the last scene." I say to him. "Sure was. You got somewhere to be?" Jonas ask. "Yeah, I got a date." I tell him. "Sounds fun." Jonas says. "Yeah, I've been promising Y/N some one-on-one time and I stood her up on our last date, so this one's makeup." I tell him. "Well, you too have fun." Jonas says. "Thank you." I say getting ready to leave.


I walk in to the fancy restaurant to be met with the person up front. "Hi, I have reservations for Starkey." I say. "Follow me, please." the lady says. "Thank you." I tell her as she carrie's two menus to the table.


As I am about to leave I hear my name being called. "Hey Drew!" Jonas says. I turn around. "Yeah what's up?" I ask. "We actually need to reshoot your scene that you filmed earlier today. We caught a minor detail that needs fixed." Jonas says. "Um, okay." I say knowing that Im gonna be late for my date with Y/N. "I know you have your date but it won't take long." Jonas says. I nod and get back to filming.


Candlelight music fills and couples talking as I sit alone waiting for Drew to arrive. I check my phone and see that I have no new messages.


"Okay and action!" Jonas shouts. I say my lines and when I thought it looked good something randomly fell which ruined the scene so we had to redo it again.


'Am I getting stood up again :)' I send to Drew. "Can I get you another glass of wine?" the waiter ask. "No. Uh, no. I'm fine, thank you. Um, I-I'm gonna grab the check." I say. "Of course." the waiter says. "Thank you." I say as she leaves.


The scene finally ended and I'm now heading out to my car in the rain to leave I call Y/N but there is no answer so I leave her a voicemail. "If you get this I am on my way. I had to reshoot a scene but I'll be right there. I am so, so sorry. I love you and I'll see you in a sec." I say as I end the voicemail and drive.


I leave the restaurant as I'm holding my umbrella which isn't doing much since it's raining sideways. I get in my car. I drive and I'm upset. I see that I have a miss call from Drew but decide not to answer. As I counting to drive I hear tires screech and then all of a sudden...BOOM. I'm hit on my side of the car by another. My window shatters I fall to the side. My phone hits the air condition part of the car and breaks. I'm left there unconscious.


Drew walks into the hospital with flowers for you and sets them down. He looks at you in your coma. "I got a decision I gotta make. I've been putting it off for a while. Everyone has their opinion about what I should do but since yours is the only opinion that I give a damn about, I just wanted to run it past you." Drew says as he holds your hand. "What am I gonna do about this movie role? I mean, should I fly out to Italy to film it, leave you here, and I want see you for a couple of months or should I not do it and stay here with you?" Drew ask. "Stay here. All right, great. That's what I wanted to do anyway." Drew says with a smile but then is filled with sadness. He holds your hand up to his face and kisses it. "What is going on in that head of yours?" Drew ask crying. "Please wake up. Come back to me, baby." Drew says. "We are runnin' out of time. Please wake up. I love you." Drew says.

While you were in your coma Drew's parents along with his siblings would come up and stay for awhile helping out with y'all's 3 kids and since your parents lived far away they couldn't be there. They did however miss you and Drew would give them updates on how you were.


The doctor has called Drew to come in and he brought his parents along with him. "After 90 days, the percentage of trauma patients who regain consciousness...decreases to less than one percent. It's a quantifiable fact. I'm sorry, Drew." the doctor says. He slides Drew a paper to fill out basically preparing for your death. "If we reach that mark we need to know you're prepared to carry out her wishes. This is her voice." the doctor says. "No it's not. This paper is something you do to prepare for the future. For old age,when your life is all behind you. You know, you cover for the what ifs. Nah. How could you know? How-how could you ever really know?" Drew states. "It's been a long time since she's breathed on her own. Her body's tired...she's tired." the doctor says. "No. I cant do it." Drew says.

Drew visits you in the hospital room. While his parents wait outside.

"I wish I could breath for you, love." Drew says as his breath hitches. His lips quiver and he starts to cry. Drew climbs in your hospital bed and just holds you as he cries. "Please wake up and come home. I love you." Drew says.


Drew see's that he has 15 missed calls. He drives to the hospital. Once he arrives he runs in. He's met with the eyes of his family along with your family. He sees the doctor. He sees one of the nurses sobbing. He sees you sitting up and your eyes meet his. His eyes grow big. "You're late." you say jokingly but with tears in your eye. "I'm sorry." Drew says with a smile. You hold out your arms and cry as he walks over to you. He hugs you and you hug him and share a kiss. "I heard every word that you said." you tell him with tears still in your eyes. He has a sweet expression on his face tears dripping down his cheeks. "You breathed for me, baby." you tell him. "Your heart beat for mine." you say as he hugs you once more.

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