The Scandal

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Background Information:
• You and Rafe are together
• Sarah and John B are together
• Kie and JJ are together
• Pope and Cleo are together
• Topper
• A girl named Kate


One night out Rafes phone fell out of his pocket and Kelce handed it to me for safe keeping.

Call it woman's intuition or whatever but as soon as Topper handed me Rafes phone I said to myself I need to look at this.

In his camera roll there was a ft screen recording of him and my friend Kate. My stomach dropped into my ass. How could they do this to me?

As soon as I saw the video I immediately texted Kate and was like wtf is this? how long has then been going on? things like that. She responded and said that this affair started back in September. It's May now.

That night that I found out and had to go back home with Rafe I confronted him about everything. I was so hurt. I have been with Rafe for 9 years and Kate is one of my dearest friends (well obviously not anymore) how could two people that I love and care so much about do this to me.

Everyone in the friend group was and still is hurt by Rafe's actions. What sucks even more is Topper knew about this affair when Rafe told him the first night after Rafe and Kate were intimate.

My friends Sarah, John B, Kie, JJ, Pope, and Cleo were all pissed at Rafe for this. Sarah's relationship with her brother was ruined so she was hurting. JJ and Rafe had became like brothers so JJ was hurt by what Rafe did. John B, Kie, and Pope were all pissed. Cleo wanted to murder Rafe and Kate for what they did to me.

We decided to all get together including Rafe and try to figure out everything together.

Everyone is at your house:

"Topper when did Rafe first tell you that he had slept with Kate?" Pope ask.

"Late august." Topper responds

"August?" Rafe ask.

"Yeah." Topper says.

"But Rafe told Y/N that it was September?" Kie ask.

"It was!" Rafe says.

"No you told me that you and Kate first hooked up the night we had boys night and she came with Kie after she left the girls." Topper said.

"That's why you came home late that night! Are you kidding me? You came home late because you were hooking up with Kate!?" I ask.

"Wait Rafe came home late that night?" JJ ask.

"Yeah. He called me at 2am to come open the gate because he was too drunk to remember the code." I say.

"You piece of shit." JJ says to Rafe.

"I cannot think of two worse people than you and her." I say starting to cry.

Everyone is still talking and arguing.

"Is Kate coming?" Topper ask.

"No she can't because of the restraining order." Rafe says.

"Restraining order?" Kie ask.

"She put a restraining order on you?" Cleo ask Rafe.

"No not on me. On Sarah." Rafe says.

Everyone looks at Sarah confused.

"Ummm yeah so Kate stopped by my house the day after Y/N called me and told me everything. I was so angry so when I saw her face I pushed her and told her to get the fuck away from me and I think my nail might of scratched her face a tiny bit but not bad to cause bleeding." Sarah says.

"Rafe what are your thoughts on this situation?" Pope ask.

Rafe takes a few moments to answer. "Listen...the thing is I don't want to upset my relationship with Sarah-"

"You have no relationship with Sarah you idiot!" I say.

"But I wanna tell the truth." Rafe says.

"The truth?" Sarah says and rolls her eyes.

"The truth, right?" I say.

"When Sarah called Y/N on the phone it was on speakerphone. She took Kate's phone and was walking like eventually like hung up with Kate's phone." Rafe says.

"Not eventually Sarah said I'm on Kate's phone right now I'm gonna throw it and call you from mine. That's what she said." I say.

"We were in the car together and on the phone Sarah says I pushed her." I say.

"No Sarah goes I just punched that bitch in the face-" Rafe says but I interrupt.

"No she did not." I say.

"100% she said that." Rafe says.

"I remember thinking to myself-" Rafe starts to speak.

"I remember thinking you're a liar." I say.

"I talk to Sarah on the phone and not once did she mention that she punched Kate. Not a once and watch your tone." Kie says.

"I heard it. I heard it." Rafe says.

"I was on the phone with her she didn't hear that!" Sarah says.

"It was on speaker phone!" Rafe says.

"Stop! Rafe keep your fucking mouth shut! Stop!" Sarah says.

"Sarah you and Kate were really close weren't y'all?" Topper asked.

"Yeah we were." Sarah says.

"Did you know any of this was going on? Did you hear any of this?" Topper asked.

"All I knew was from what Kie had suspected and what Cleo had heard but not up until the day Y/N called me." Sarah says.

"Yeah I mean like three days before me and Sarah got lunch and she was very respectful and told me that there are some things going around about Rafe and Kate's friendship. I told Sarah that those things aren't true and Rafe and Kate would never do that to me." I say.

Comeback for Part 2!!

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