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"Don't wanna be spanked again, I was a good boy!" Billy cried to his grandparents as Emily held the little one on her lap. She had them on their second video call with her son and was pleased he was warming up to the pair quite quickly.

"Oh he was, wasn't he?" Grampa Malcolm gave a warm smile. The family patriarch was just like Emily with long blonde hair and a chiselled jawline, regal looking.

"And he got the whip in the morning right?" Gramma Rowena cooed, getting the little one to whine at her statement. She looked younger than Emily, the anti ageing serums kept her looking much like a supermodel with those dazzling blue eyes.

"Yes, Billy got his six of the best in the morning," Emily replied, scooping him up as she ignored his protests and bared his little butt to the camera.

"Wow, it's so pale!" Malcolm gasped. It had been ages since he had to whip one of his kids, his youngest son Damian being sixty years of age now and the proud father of twins himself. And even then it was the women who took care of most of the spankings in the family.

"Of course it's pale, we have the new range of fortification oils for a decade now. The healing has gone down to four hours." His wife fussed, shaking her head before smiling at her eldest. "Daddy won't even watch the twins or Harry getting the whip."

"Because Robin whips poor little Harry so wickedly, poor little thing!" Malcolm sighed dramatically. "And so is Alice with the twins, it breaks my heart hearing their screams."

"Funny you didn't have the same concern for us when you had us, daddy..." Emily hissed testily.

Malcolm frowned. "Oh shush, you three were literal hellspawn."

"Like the twins aren't?" Rowena gasped. "And Harry, for the record was the one behind the drone bombing of the 67th Feir Bank."

"Robin's bringing him over tomorrow to meet Billy, she's staying over for a week," Emily smiled, petting his hair as he listened to all the arguing, not fully understanding any of it.

"Bombing?" The little one tilted his head up to his Mommy.

"Your cousins tend to be a lot more...naughtier than you, sweetness," his grandmother smiled. "It's shocking for us to have a grandkid who's practically a saint!"

"Mother!" Emily snapped at Rowena who blushed at the intensity in her eyes. "What Billy has done is quite awful and he is being punished fairly for his actions so far," she declared firmly, looking at her son. "And for the record, it's not a competition to see which of you four is the worst..."

*Even though it's exactly what his cousins would turn it into*, Emily thought bitterly. And she couldn't blame them either, both she and Robin were the reason Damian, their youngest brother got into about eighty per cent of his whippings.

"I'll be a good boy!" Billy promised, hand on his heart as he looked at all the adults. "Just like today Grammy and grandpa! Won't do anything mean or hurt anyone!" He looked at his grampa to see if he'd tell mommy to.

"Oh, I think you can give him a very light whapping baby girl considering he got his whipping for the day. It's not like you are gonna keep his tush unspanked over the month, is it? A few good boy days can help just as much as the lash."

Emily frowned once more. "No, and I won't be lectured on kindness to the man who had my bumhole lashed for not kissing gramma Selena on both cheeks!"

Billy gasped at the comment. Maybe Gramps wasn't that nice after all!

"I don't want that!" He cried.

"Then you better kiss us on both our cheeks and let us squeeze and pinch your chubby little cheeks when we meet," said Gramma. "We'll call you tomorrow night baby girl."

"Bye daddy, bye mommy." Emily blew the pair a kiss and Billy followed suit, leaning up to the screen and kissing both sides of their faces.

"Bye Grammy and Grampa!" He waved.

"Awe such an adorable boy!" Malcolm gushed.

"Don't let Harry influence him too much tomorrow," Rowena winked as Emily nodded.

"I'll try my best, love you two," Emily turned off the screen before shifting her son around to straddle her.

"Mommy, can't I have a good boy day like grampa said?" Billy sniffled, trying to look extra adorable. Which he didn't need much to pull off, frankly. He had been so clingy and sad all day his mother was always doting on the lad, making sure he didn't feel like he had been thrust into hell.

"You may have a good boy day," his mommy concurred.

"But I was whipped so hard Mommy, and uhh...wait, what?"

"You may have a good boy day," Emily giggled at his shocked reaction, taking off her top and unhooking her bra, the little one for the first time seeing her large bare breasts without his bottom being lit on fire. "Good boys get to drink mommy's sweet milk, bad boys get to drink salty milk with your tears mixed in."

She gently guided his mouth towards her breast. "You know, you're quite lucky mommy just have you as my baby boy. Your cousins Vicky and James have to share their mommy's milk. Mommy had to compete with your aunt and uncle too." She realised the little one was now a bit hesitant to nurse, a blush creeping across his face.

"Umm...Kay. Were you taken in like me too?" Billy questioned his mother.

"All of our family's kids are age regressed and raised, we don't have a biological lineage," Emily explained. "Your cousins are tiny criminals, just like you...and you'll get to know Harry from tomorrow, he's gonna be staying with us for a week."

"Mommy, what's wrong with Harry?" Billy asked his mother urgently. All he knew was that Harry was a little boy much like himself, taken in by aunt Robin.

"Have you heard of Harold Trawler Deus?" Emily questioned.

"The mob boss?" Billy blinked before the realisation hit him. "Harry's the Blood King?"

No way! The most dangerous criminal of the past thirty years is *now his cousin?*

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